A small groan and a shaking head met his words, [color=#FFE58F]”Tea would be lovely. I can cope for a few.”[/color] She rolled her head, opening her eyes a crack, [color=#FFE58F]”Thank you, dearest.”[/color] She dug in a pocket, pulling out and tossing over her coin purse. [color=#FFE58F]”Please, get something for yourself too. You do too much for me.”[/color] Refusing to hear any objections he may pose, she rolled over, giving a small groan. As he wandered off, her mind wandered as well. She smiled, knowing exactly how lucky she was to have him. Someone that actually cared about her as a person. Someone that she could confide in. They’d both helped each other escape the oppression of their families, so that worked well. Even if she occasionally wanted more than he was willing to offer in certain areas, she still loved him to death. He was a wonderful man. She rolled back on her back, stretching out her limbs. She hoped Rahq’a would return soon, at least sooner than her dinner was threatening to return.