Steppe Archer, upon hearing that Guard Lady was gouged on the price of the lamp, felt extremely bad at having let her new friend go alone. Nobody should just be able to do that because a buxom beauty buys a bobble! That's just rude. Rolling up the sleeves of her tabard, Steppe Archer said: [color=CC6633][b]"I feel like we should give that merchant a piece of our mind...later though.[/b][/color] Following Shade's trusty Darkvision, Steppe Archer would remain close to her two companions as they journeyed backwards, the lamp soon coming into sight from the dull, still burning light. It seemed that it had either eaten up most of the current oil, or the fall had made it dislodge the oil or...something. In truth, Steppe Archer had no idea how such a thing worked. She'd only ever had the light of torches and campfires at night to keep her vision free of blackness. At being directly called to, Steppe Archer turned to her halbardier companion and, at her question, gently ran a hand through the quiver at her hip. She thankfully had only lost one or two arrows in their flight, no doubt trampled underfoot, but her current count was at eighteen. Smiling at the Guard Lady's suggestion to reclaim the arrows, she would nod and draw her knife. [color=CC6633][b]"Good idea...I'd almost forgotten. Waste not, want not~"[/b][/color] she would say, searching the ground for evidence of her arrows. Thankfully, the roaches weren't exactly heavy enough to crush it underfoot, and weren't quite dumb enough to eat metal and a stone that was only lightly stuck into a rat's head. If anything, maybe they ate around them to avoid danger. Regardless, two more arrows in-quiver rounded her out to 20 shots. Now that they had lamplight and Guard Lady was ahead of her, Steppe Archer would finally get a good look at the bites on her neck, inspecting it to make sure it wasn't like, green with poison or anything. Gently brushing Guard Lady's hair to the side with a gloved (mostly) clean hand, she would inspect the bite wound.