Near the back corner of the bus a dark-haired young man slouched, his backpack open next to him. In his lap was a massive textbook, open. His ruby-red eyes would quickly scan down the page, and then after a couple seconds he'd flip the page. It looked like he was just pretending to be studying, because nobody could read that fast. Having reached a stopping point, Ray glanced up, briefly surveying the other students. As he glanced at each one, a tiny readout appeared in the bottom right of his field of view. A tiny textbox would confirm that each one had powers bestowed upon them by the same incident that had caused his own to develop. It also had a description of their abilities, each one about a paragraph long. After looking at the students, he fixed his bionic eye upon the bus driver, curious if he had been touched by the mists too. Then, he looked out the window again, surveying the campus. He found it odd that there seemed to be nobody there. He thought that at the very least they'd need staff to take care of the gardens. [color=ed1c24]"Hey. Do they have any staff here?" [/color]Ray asked the bus driver, pulling himself up just a little. He was wearing a baseball jacket, and as he moved, it was pushed to the side a little. What appeared to be a toy ray gun was perched on the inside pocket.