A groan escaped her lips, and it had nothing to do with her dizziness. She gingerly sat up, taking the tea in her hands, sipping slowly. After a few silent sips, she shook her head. [color=#FFE58F]”No, not a word. I… I may not have told them yet. I want to tell her that she may expect another grandchild soon, but…”[/color] Her eyes opened slowly, looking out over the water, [color=#FFE58F]”I don’t know. Something keeps stopping me. I know she would love nothing more than to care for and raise my child, and that she would do a wonderful job, but…”[/color] She looked over towards Rhaq’a, glancing down to the half-eaten rice ball in his hand. She reached out, gently plucked it from him, and began nibbling it. [color=#FFE58F]”I’ve been debating having the talk with her. That I would like to raise my child. Last I saw Hari, she was doing well; she’s 11 summers old now. But nonetheless, I would love the chance to try my hand at being a proper mother.”[/color] She looked up at him, a small smile on her face, [color=#FFE58F]”Besides. Wouldn’t want her ending up like me, would we?”[/color]