The words of her mate mingled with the thoughts in her mind. She looked up from her tea, eying him over the rim of the mug. A small smile formed on her lips. [color=#FFE58F]”I suppose that nothing is impossible, is it dearest? Two Miqo’te, woman and man, raising a child together.”[/color] She chuckled to herself, setting down the mug, [color=#FFE58F]“I’m glad that my mother cannot hear us. Seven hells, I’m glad [i]your[/i] mother cannot hear us!”[/color] As he spoke, her smile grew, [color=#FFE58F]”I never knew that you’d given this so much thought already. I mean, I suppose I shouldn’t be. But I still am! You never cease to amaze me, dearest!”[/color] She chuckled, [color=#FFE58F]”I doubt Gil would be an issue; I have more than you may know saved up. And I don’t know if you actually read the letters I give you about your money that I manage, but you’re doing quite well as well. And I have always been looking for an excuse to keep you closer to home anyway!”[/color] She scooted closer to Rhaq’a, popping the last bit of the rice ball into her mouth and chewing thoughtfully. [color=#FFE58F]”I never thought that I would find someone that agreed with me. I’ve never been more glad to have been wrong.”[/color] She leaned her head on his shoulder, [color=#FFE58F]”I love you. Let’s love our child. Let’s raise her to be odd, like us.”[/color]