Ears flattening when she mentioned their mothers, he groaned, [color=#FFE58F]"Yeah... at... best we will be disowned. That I would not mind. I am more concerned that one of them... likely my mother would call the Shikaree hounds and... living at the bottom of the sea is sounding more appealing by the minute."[/color] Flushing at the compliment, he attempted to respond, but instead fumbled over his words, [color=#FFE58F]"Yes... well..."[/color] Scratching the back of his head, he averted his gaze before replying, [color=#FFE58F]"I... suppose we both do make a fair bit."[/color] Running his fingers through his hair, he clutched at it nervously at her side remark, [color=#FFE58F]"If I remain close to take care of the child... we... more than likely will not have alone time. You... realize this... yes?"[/color] With his face more furiously red than before, he hung his head, [color=#FFE58F]"Yes...well... I... was never happy with my situation. You know this. Whatever gender our child may be... I do not want them to have to live with that pressure."[/color]