[b]Miss Alice Revya Rose[/b] Alice simply shrugged, not exactly caring what was in the quarantine zone. [i]"Guess I'll do it. Throwing your corpse in would be easy enough, but I assume you want to be alive. So it's the guards that are going down."[/i] Another implication, but just to be sure she stated it clearly. [i]"They'll probably need some healing, Phoenix, so you should come along and decide what to do when we're there."[/i] She didn't like guns, and she especially didn't like when people fired at her. Often Alice resorted to snapping their arms to make up for it. She did like doing that, after all. The woman looked between the two men before looking up, determining east with simplicity, and walking that way. She put back her shades on, previously having put them in her pockets for the conversations. Miss Rose flipped her pizza hat backwards, and in the same movement unceremoniously picked up a ripped blue-jean jacket from an unconscious thug. It took some shaking and a bit of kicking to get the thug free, but she did it easy enough and put on the jacket. She proceeded to kick off her shoes, then take off her socks. As a finishing touch, Alice then ripped off one of her black pants legs. At this point she looked completely ridiculous, but that was the point. A ridiculous outfit meant a superhero or a supervillain. Which meant they would tend to continue to wear that outfit. It was an easy enough way to trick people into focusing on the wrong thing, instead of things that were hard to change, such as body type and height.