[h1] The Resurgence - Briefing Room [/h1] As everyone got up to leave, he picked up the transmission on his omni-tool, and listened to it intently. The Separatists, whoever they were had lost handily to the Empire, they weren't joking around these guys, and Travis had a brief doubt about how they would handle these guys. Their current engines weren't equipped enough to to travel this galaxy, and he doubted they could rebuild a relay from scratch. But the crew of one of the other human ships approached them with an offer to bring them through their warp window. As they were about to return a reply one the other groups of aliens in the room spoke The way they carried themselves they reminded him of the Turian's, if they had a squid face, and a split jaw. As they spoke about the other humans in their universe, he came to understand that perhaps that was humanities main-stay across the multiverse. The ability to face odds that would make other races turn, and run. The plucky underdog must run through them. Turning to one of the other humans who approached him, he spoke again. "We'd appreciate it. I'm sure there is a deal we can work in in return for letting us tail you." Travis said, giving the other group of people a nod.