Lady Victoria had lost around 30% of her blood count a few days ago, she was still recovering the dizzy effects no thanks to Lord Spencer. Her increased iron count did help replicate the cells faster than the average person but would still take a few weeks to return to normal strength. Her body was still making millions of red blood cells every second, but her pressure was still nowhere near able to pump the blood around her body to the capacity Vail would be used to when drawing her blood. Although she revelled in his gentle kisses along her neck and jaw, when he punctured her flesh above her collarbone, she gasped. It hurt far more than usual. Her skin was not as resistant, and the blood was too thin and watery, so much so that it wouldn’t stop flowing or clot. It would need to be bandaged over properly and secured, even from the small fang puncture holes. She knew this was a stupid and reckless idea, allowing him to feed but she could not deny him his pleasures she sorely loved to give to him. She loved the power she had to affect the vampire in such a primal way. She was as much addicted to giving him the pleasure of her blood as he was to drink it. She began to feel incredibly faint and her heart worked harder to pump the blood around the rest of her muscles around the shoulder. She felt the area go numb, with a pins and needle effect. She grasped at Vail as she became distressed. She yelped and fell limp into the vampire’s arms. She felt as helpless as she did when Spencer drained her. She wasn’t coping so well with Vail’s bite this time. Victoria moaned weakly as if she were in incredible pain. She couldn’t keep her eyes open, but she was still aware of her surroundings. “V….V….ail…” She weakly muttered in a hushed whisper before she drifted in and out of consciousness. Her blood still trickling out of the fang wounds non-stop until he put something in its way. It just wouldn’t slow down at all like the last few times he’d fed on her. She just hoped this was not the last time she’d see the world, or the face of the man she had come to care so deeply for. Dare she even admit it – loved? She knew her mother would never approve of the vampire, she knew Vail’s family would never approve of her. It was time to show her mother and The Order just how much a vampire was capable of being more than a predator to humans and to show Vail’s parents just how much she really cared for their son and would not allow The Order to get to him. Even if that meant infiltrating The Order to dispatch the corruption that brewed within it, herself. There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do to keep Vail alive, she’d do anything for him just as he had said he would for her. Now she understood where his head truly lay, she felt the happiest she’d ever been. Just knowing that this incredible man cared for her was enough to keep her going. She’d never give up. Her body would never give up fighting to survive. Just to spend one more night with the man who now haunted her dreams.