[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/609868990009049090/611044837952716810/jean1.png[/img] Time : Dawn Location : Near River Kingdom Interactions : [@Alivefalling][@princess][@MissCapnCrunch][@Dezuel][@Tae] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jean-Luc looked at the group, "The hounds of that man are wolves, you can use your height to escape them, but I would rather learn of my enemy then anything... I was tasked to defeat this Aklenroth, and my quest requires that I take him and his empire apart piece by piece. If know of those who follow us, the better... as well as I need some practice in this power. Danger and life is the best teachers for when you need it quickly, the power flows through me as I can feel the ground and it is like a second set of eyes... I do not know how the lady of red hair feels with her new power, if she can feel it through her vains, burning... but she knows the destruction she can reign in." "I have idea's for what I will do once I learn these abilities given to my by this realms winds and stars, but for now... there are three priorities, surviving in a logical manner, your wings aren't that of the trees... you would be spotted easily from an elevation even. Second, learning of those who will be changing us, exploiting their personalities, and see what they will do when given something on a platter. Then lastly, to gain a tail." Jean looked at the group, and he turned towards he house, "Get that other girl, and make sure she is safe... I will save this coward as well, though I do not like him I need him for several things. Then lastly, Elsea, burn the hole once the water begins to recede, it will hopefully break the earth some so I can have an easier time bending it to my will... also it will show the faults in the earth, and show me where I need to be when they arrive." He moved towards the house as the earth shook some more, "Go quickly... I have disturbed the Earth... as fire may not affect you, I do not know how your sorcery works, but you would be the only one to do this... so stay safe, and keep as far away from being a top the hole's entrance... that is currently it's only way for the flames to escape, so it will be a two edged sword, it makes the underground safe for you and easier to bend, but it will show anyone flying in that abomination where we would be most likely."