[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190917/bd5a8fef6aa6b2f8329c0dbba8a264bd.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/efPPgp0.png?1[/img] "[color=E1557D]That's the spirit![/color]"[/center] [hr][sub][right] [b]Location: Valoran Academy [/b] [/right][/sub][hr] [indent]Ahri smiled back, her eyes met Xayah's and she knew that her promise she will hold close for as long as her life serves her. She was caught in the moment, so she wasn't sure if maybe it was the adrenaline talking but her promises are never broken so lightly, Ahri's promises are known to be held up unless it is world ending. "[color=E1557D]Hey, I... I don't know what your living situation is but, do you maybe... Uhm, want to have a sleep over... At my place? We can bring Syndra and Sarah, and anyone else that isn't a boy that you have in mind.[/color]" Said Ahri, to try and raise some moral. All of a sudden, the bell rang, first period was about to start. "[color=E1557D]You have the whole day to answer, but come on, let's get out asses to class before the teacher chews us up, you know how first period is.[/color]" Ahri said with a chuckle as she gestured for Xayah to follow her as first straightened her tie before walking towards first period.[/indent]