[@The World][@Hammerman][@Pyromania99] It took Issei a few seconds to realize what he most likely feeling pressing against his head, but when the realization came he blushed and immedialelty convinced himself that he had to be wrong. A bit later both girls were off of him and he was getting up himself only to accidentally notice Kotoki's underwear and wondered whether he was lucky or unlucky. When he noticed the other girl eating some of the meat of off the tree he was about to summon his Garurumon to share some with him, using it as a distraction to give himself time to cal down. Before he could take out his Digivice again a red Digimon showed up complaining about concerts. [color=00a651]"I wouldn't say I hate music but for me personally the lyrics are more important than the melody. I did use to be a minor fan that guy though."[/color] Issei said pointing at a poster of the guy in KISS make up and emphasizing the words "used to be". [color=00a651]"Anyway is it okay if I take some of that meat for my Digimon?"[/color]