The entire front half of the beast that Hibiki had punched seemed to crumple like a tin can full of tomato sauce, winding up with the bakc half collapsed into a pile of red mush at the bottom of the crater the impact had left. The shockwave was sufficient to knock the beast that had crawled up the wall down onto its back, leaving it dazed, and the other beast had been completely stunned, easy pickings for Zeke's swift decapitating blow. Aside from the completely dazed beast, the alleyway was quite still. The pile of mutilated bodies was considerably terrible, but aside from that nothing else seemed any more out of the ordinary then any other area in the town thus far. There was nothing that could be done for the dead, many of them had been torn apart beyond all recognition. But the living were still possible to rescue. At the moment, it was possible to see beyond the alleyway and to the other side, even through the fog and late-day sun. It looked somewhat familiar. Perhaps that was an area that had been shown in the video? [@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze][@RoleplayerRoxas]