Arty looks at Ivy. "[color=6ecff6]Im not Praggo.....not yet....Oh.....MY GODS...Congrats Ivy![/color]" she squealed as she tackled Ivy. She smiled as she hugged her. "[color=6ecff6]No....this is a check up for my BC.....I have the patch and i think im allergic to it....Ive been off it for a few days now. Tho gave me a red raised rash, Still have it.[/color]" she said to them. "[color=6ecff6]And yes you can come with us my sister.[/color]" she said to her Ivy. "[color=6ecff6]Cant wait to be an Aunt![/color]" she said to her with a smile. She looks at Devon. Then Charlie. "[color=6ecff6]Hay....Not all of them... Charlie you look hot as a girl AND YOU DONT COUNT!......[/color]" she said with a smile and a laugh. She smiled as she grabbed her phone and made the Appointments for everyone. She jumps when she hears Adan then Ihys voice. "[color=6ecff6]I dont think ill ever get used to that.[/color]" she said with a laugh. "[color=6ecff6]Ill be right there....Im making some plans for a girls day out...[/color]" She smiled. "[color=6ecff6]Ill be right back girls.[/color]" she said to them. She then walks into her room and gently pushes Adam/Ihy onto her bed and sits next to him. "[color=6ecff6]So....What made you chose Adam as your host?[/color]" she asked him. "[color=6ecff6]And what was he thinking during the four years i had no memories.....Did he even think about me?[/color]" she asked him. "[color=6ecff6]Ivy? Devon? Max?[/color]" she asks him. "[color=6ecff6]What did he do during that time?[/color]" she asked bombarding him with questions.