[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bRKgp4j.png[/img][/center][color=hotpink]"I see,"[/color] was all that Nanoha said after she took notice of the facts through Youmu. This reminded her of the Jewel Seed incident in the worst ways possible and, if anyone who actually knew Nanoha for a long time heard the reply she gave, they would know that she wasn't very pleased. [color=hotpink]"I see..."[/color] she said again, nodding gravely. [color=hotpink]"We must take a step forward if we want to stop this. There's one signature deep down these caverns going away from us. I suppose that we will have to pursue it underwater. Would that be a problem for you, Youmu? If so, I can try to catch it on my own. As long as I have my Barrier Jacket, I'll be fine even if I go to outer space,"[/color] Nanoha said, waiting for Youmu's answer before choosing a path to follow.