[center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/brushough-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190922/1ba7f56df98c0912c8fbc3f8cfe76c0a.png[/img][/url] [hr] [/center] Boredom, minding numbing boredom was all Tatsuo could feel at this point as he slowly walked through the Estate's training facility, casually passing by groups of Demon Slayer trainees going about their business and gradually bettering their skills. Their hard work and determination would be an inspiring and warming sight to see if it hadn’t gotten old to him around the 50th time he’s seen it. Gets surprisingly dull, especially if he knew most of these kids were gonna end up dead before their second mission. It was a grim thought, but Tatsuo’s sadly accepted that as a fact. He would aid in their training when he has the time to help give them a better chance, but it was mostly up to them. A low sigh escaped Tatsuo as he lazily rested his hand atop his sheath sword and ran a hand through his messy hair, still slightly soaked from the pouring rain outside. Already his day of laziness had been ruined by mother nature, his plans to slink away, drink on the beach and pass out ruined before it even started. Not to mention his hard earned sake had been lost from a close call on the slippery, rocky cliffs. With a mixture of annoyance and boredom Tatsuo decided if he couldn’t pass out on the beach for the day he’d at least get in a few naps before his so called [i]‘Master’[/i] found him and nagged his ear off. Tatsuo will acknowledge her strength and the position she’s gained, but other than that she is a royal pain in his ass. Today he was hoping to avoid her and sneak away to have a day to himself, but it seems that mother nature is working with the Sea Pillar and forcing him to cancel his day. A drawn out yawn escaped Tatsuo while he rubbed the back of his neck and entered an empty room used for training, his own personal space where he comes to train or avoid Kikumi when she’s on the prowl. With a small sigh he closed the door and slowly strolled around the room, taking his sheathed sword from his hip and looking around the room with a bored frown. A few racks of wooden swords, dummies, weights and scrolls were along the edge of the room for use. It wasn’t the most luxurious of places, but it was good for a quick nap or two. Tatsuo glanced out the window to see the nasty storm raging on, continuing to ruin his day. He gave a huff before finding a good enough spot to lay down. As he began to lower himself to the floor he heard the door open and gave a small sigh before rising back to his full height. [color=f7941d]“Great,"[/color] he muttered before turning around to see his master, Kikumi, standing in the doorway. Before Tatsuo could defend himself Kikumi spoke first, telling him she’ll be gone for a few hours and instructing him to keep things in order and train. A small frown came to his face as he noticed she was in a bit of a hurry and went to question her, but before he could she simply turned and left without another word.[color=f7941d] “Wha-wait! What’s going...on?”[/color] he let out a heavy groan and pinched the bridge of his nose.[color=f7941d] “Well, there goes my day of well earned rest and relaxation,”[/color] he complained before strapping his sheathed sword to his hip and reluctantly leaving the training room. He could honestly ditch her request and sleep in peace like he usually does, but something felt a bit odd about this sudden outing of Kikumi’s. If something was brewing it may be a better idea to be prepared. So he might as well take up her usual duties of keeping an eye on the recruits and keeping order. Besides, at least he wouldn’t have to get an earful of Kikumi’s nagging when she gets back. Who knows, maybe he can find something to spice things up and make this day actually interesting.