Iris settled in the car watching the scenery pass by, it wasn’t a huge blur but fast enough she couldn’t take in huge amounts of detail but that was fine she had plenty of time to explore at a later date. [color=f49ac2]“Well yeah, others keep it clean, but you still take care of it by not crashing into things. There isn’t a scratch on the thing.”[/color] Smiling as she looked over at Cas in the drivers seat, [color=f49ac2]“So you still contribute towards its upkeep I guess, but I assume you’d get into a lot of trouble should you bring it home a mess each night.”[/color] Chuckling to herself as she looked towards the speakers grinning, she was quite excited to hear the music he would choose, maybe it would help something for her. She couldn’t help but smile when he spoke about his friends, well scoffed because he was certain one of them spent time joyriding. [color=f49ac2]“Well just saying who wouldn’t want to chance to take it for a spin? You can’t blame them and I’m sure they were careful. Plus, it means you wouldn’t have found something [i]interesting[/i].”[/color] Being out of the hospital had certainly perked her up, she felt free and not constricted by the four walls. Plus, she hated them anyway. He wasn’t lying, [color=f49ac2][i]damn the sound from these speakers![/i][/color] She was amazed at the quality and the way the music filled the car was pretty awesome. [color=f49ac2]“You weren’t kidding!”[/color] Nodding in approval to the music she listened to it some more, it sounded familiar so maybe she had heard it once before? As the next song came on the smile spread across her face as she began to hum along, she knew this one. She liked this one. This artist was someone she had definitely listened too before. [color=f49ac2][i]One republic!! [/i][/color] [color=f49ac2][i]Wherever I go, I’ll be looking for you~[/i][/color] She felt so carefree as a snippet of her past unlocked, she was dancing. Singing into her hairbrush as if no one was around. [color=f49ac2][i]I know I could lie, but I won’t lie to you~[/i][/color] smiling to herself as she remembered something personal, it did nothing for knowing where she lived but it was a nice memory. Singing, dancing acting so carefree. It was nice to see that part of her life as she was sure there would be stuff, she didn’t want to remember. Tapping along to the music as various artists played, she kept the smile in place because it was stuff, she remembered, artists she had heard before and it was hard not to be in high spirits because she felt like it was progress for her. Laughing as he called her the chocolate loving dancer, she looked back over at him, he had clearly paid attention to her and things she had spoken about before which was nice. [color=f49ac2]“Just a sort of dull ache, bit of pain but probably because this is the first time I’ve been up and about properly.”[/color] Glancing down at her leg which was still healing and heavily bandaged, she wondered just how much longer it would take before she could walk without the crutches. [color=f49ac2]“I would love that though, I definitely need a toothbrush and something else to wear, this dress is not made to wear daily.”[/color] Smiling slightly as she met his gaze briefly, [color=f49ac2]“But promise me that you will let me pay you back when I know who I am and can.”[/color] She hated the idea of not being able to be independent herself and pay for things, did she maybe have some sort of issue with money? No surely not. It had to be something to do with her being independent as she felt like she was quite strong willed. Already he had opened up his home to her, brought her to the hospital and although she didn’t question it hospital bills costs. She knew it did but yet she hadn’t paid for any of it. She didn’t know if he had but who else would have done that?