Sylvia was surprised to hear Pylia shout in some bestial language and then just [i]vaporize[/i] the thing with her club with dark energy. She focused on dodging the attacks, but when Pylia had her arm bitten and she shouted in pain, she called out her name in worry and concern "PYLIA!!!" She could see that the trogs thought that Pylia was an easier target now, and that Syfr had come in to distract the bigger trog. She shouted at both of the trogs, "YOU LEAVE PYLIA ALONE!" She then decided to make herself look like the threat, and took the opportunity Syfr was giving her. She channeled her ki again, and struck the larger trog, not once, not twice, but three times. Each strike was aimed at the face, the legs, and solar plexus once more. She hoped that not only would she get their attention and be able to protect Pylia, but also that Shortfang and Buddy would hear and they would come to help...soon. [hider=Sylvia's Turn]Sylvia uses her action to do an unarmed strike, and her bonus action to use a ki point for Flurry of Blows on the Trog boss. Unarmed Strike 1: [url=]22[/url] Advantage: [url=]11[/url] Damage: [url=]6[/url] Unarmed Strike 2: [url=]6[/url] Advantage: [url=]24[/url] Damage: [url=]5[/url] Unarmed Strike 3: [url=]14[/url] Advantage: [url=]11[/url] Damage: [url=]4[/url][/hider]