Looking at the mall as they approached, she hoped it would spark something, but it didn’t seem familiar, which was odd as he mentioned it was a popular spot. Perhaps she had a memory on it, but the mall alone was not enough, going inside might help? Placing the bag of medication and spare bandages on the seat she took his hand getting out of the car trying not to aggravate her leg. [color=f49ac2]“Thanks!”[/color] Taking the crutches, she steadied herself ensuring that she was ready to walk, well hobble. It was nice that Cas was here to help at least. [color=f49ac2]“Nothing is coming to mind at the moment, but I don’t really know how remembering things work? Maybe going inside will help? I’m sure I’ve been here.”[/color] Smiling slightly over at Cas she began to hobble towards the mall, thankful there wasn’t far to walk because she wasn’t sure long distance would work very well. [color=f49ac2]“As you say it’s pretty popular so I’ve no doubt been here shopping with the girls.”[/color] Chuckling as she continued to walk at a slower place than usual, she glanced around hoping she would remember, she assumed she had friends so perhaps she did go shopping with them? [color=f49ac2]“You have no idea how excited I am at the idea of changing clothes.”[/color] Iris smiled glancing over at Cas as they entered the mall, blue eyes glanced towards the different shops. Everything looked so fancy, expensive and it reeked of high borns. The smells of different foods were amazing, and her stomach rumbled at the thought of good food, well anything was better than the hospital stuff she had. [color=f49ac2]“I think that will be the first step to feeling normal. Clothes!”[/color] Anything was better than the dress she was wearing so the minute she could change, feel normal it would help speed up the recovery process, right? [color=f49ac2]“It’s weird right, feeling like I’m experiencing everything for the first time again?”[/color] Frowning slightly as she thought on it, there was plenty that she had forgotten and even though the odd things felt familiar there was a lot that didn’t to her. [color=f49ac2]“I wonder what will happen when the memories come back.”[/color] It was strange to think on it, but still how would everything feel when it all came back to her? Memories were strange. Shaking her head, she moved into one of the clothing shops inside the mall, eyes darting round taking in everything. There was a lot of range on offer in the shop and she wondered what she usually wore, she liked comfort that was certain but what kind of style? Did she even have a style? Leaning on the crutches she picked up one of the jumpers on the rack, it was a pale pink colour and the fabric was soft beneath her fingers. Stroking the jumper, she just looked at it for quite some time seemingly in a world of her own as she played with the fabric. This was crazy right? Staying with someone she barely knew (even if he was a Prince.) Shopping for clothes… was this the right thing? She had nowhere else to go so this was her best shot but at the same time she couldn’t help but doubt herself.