"It'll be hard to spot directly, maybe, but it should be easy to find its tracks. They'll be larger than a normal Onyx' tracks, which aren't hard to find when they're there, and we've got an eye in the sky. Unless he's taking measures to cover his tracks, but that would only raise the question of why. We'd have quite the clever Onyx on our hands, too." "Ooh, you have a Girafarig. I've never seen one in person before, they've got quite an interesting look to them. That rear head is somethin' else..." Regan had been flipping through the paper pokedex she borrowed from the Rangers, while she was waiting for the boat to come pick them all up to bring them to the islands. She preferred an actual book to those back lit screens. There had been a picture, documenting a Girafarig and a trainer. "A Weedle? Not a bad catch. Speakin' of bug types, I wonder if there are any Heracross around here... hey, wait, you've still got an eye on competing? If you aren't interested in battling, itself, then you must be," she thought for just a moment, "going to study something? Perhaps a more detailed study on how a trainer affects a pokemon, or the like. Have I got it right?" [@Salenea]