Sighing to herself as she looked the pink jumped it felt similar, like something she had owned before. Was that even possible? Frowning she closed her eyes for a second before she saw something. [i]“You take care of this jumper, I bought it especially for you.” [/i] It was a soft voice she heard, and her brows furrowed as she focused on it harder, glimpses of silver wrapping paper were at her feet and her fingers was holding onto a pink jumper. It looked expensive and it was clear it was something that had come from the Capital. It was similar to the one in the shop she was currently fixated on. She heard giggles and she looked at her hands in this memory, it was her but when she was much younger. [i]“My mother bought me a similar jumper when I was your age. I wanted to do the same.” [color=f49ac2]“Thank you mum, I love it!”[/color][/i] Opening her eyes, she looked at the jumped once more with a soft smile, she would definitely choose this item. More because it could help her remember more. She heard her mother’s voice; she knew it was her mother. Picking up the jumper she balanced it so she could hold it and still use the crutches, [color=f49ac2]“Thanks Cas, I won’t go crazy I’m just happy with something different to wear.”[/color] Smiling at him she moved through the shop picking up a few things. Essentials like underwear, a few different outfits so she could mix it up, something to sleep in and of course the odd dress. It would be enough for her to get by for a little bit and hopefully by that point her parents would have found her. [color=f49ac2]“Do you ever get used to people staring at you?”[/color] She couldn’t help but ask as she turned to look at him as she wobbled slightly on her feet, she could feel the discomfort from standing around too long on it. [color=f49ac2]“Sorry, you don’t need to answer that. It must have sounded quite insensitive.”[/color] She hoped it didn’t come across that way, she was just curious over it. He had probably dealt with this his whole life and she wondered how he felt over it, she knew he had hidden his identity for a reason, so she wondered how he felt over this. [color=f49ac2]“I mean… does it feel like you are constantly being judged for no reason?”[/color] That’s how she had or would interpret others staring at her, she would worry that they were judging for no reason. [color=f49ac2]“So, I think this will do for now. Thanks, for doing this.”[/color] Feeling her arms tremble slightly as they weren’t used to holding up her body weight for so long, she kept the smile on her face trying to mask the discomfort she was in. [color=f49ac2]“Do you need anything whilst here? It’s a beautiful place, maybe we can come back when I don’t need four legs.”[/color] Joking over her situation but she really did want to have a look around, although it wasn’t something she was up to fully today.