Penelope nodded her head in agreement as Crow scoffed. While she doubted her brother was out for innocent blood, she still found his intentions to try and remove the rule ridiculous. Knowing Layth, he was likely blaming their lack of progress on the rule. He had been against it from the beginning after all, thinking that it was holding them back as a fighting force. It wasn't difficult for her to guess he was getting just as worn out by the stalemate as everyone else and needed something to blame it on since his pride wouldn't allow him to accept a different option. As Crow went on to agree with her sentiment about the war ending, she gave a small smile. "Well hopefully that someone is us then." she mused. The knight ate more of her food, chewing thoughtfully as she recalled what she had heard and read about past wars. They had certainly been depicted with much more glory and honor than the one they were currently fighting. It made her believe that those still pushing for victory instead of an end to it were just too stubborn and prideful to back down. She just hoped the king wasn't one of them. With a glance towards the window, she finished off the last bit of her food and looked back over to Crow. "I better get going. I'm sure the Lenz's are already waiting for me." she mused with a sigh. She knew Dimia was rather strict, both with her valued traditions as well as her schedule. With everything the noblewoman was doing to help her, she didn't want to make her wait. Especially since they had quite a bit to do that day. The knight began to collect her letters, pausing as she glanced over at the one Crow received. "Be sure to sneak your letter to me once you get the chance to write... Do you think you'll need help writing it again or can you handle that on your own now?" she asked curiously.