[center][img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/cmx-images-prod/Series/194/0194._SX360_QL80_TTD_.jpg[/img] [/center] [hr] [right][b]FLYING IN THE SKY // SOMEWHERE OVER NEW MEXICO[/b] [sub][color=BLUE][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgzwpmwFokE]Issue #2 Teething difficulties"[/url][/color][/sub][/right] [hr] Jaimes entire vision was in some kind of orange tint. Alien text scrolled over his eyes in some form of HUD. He could make out the occasional phrase, more than he could the first time the suit came out. Which made him think that this suit was somehow downloading more information into his brain. This wasn't good, this was some kind of weird Iron Man tech or something. It wasn't meant for him. [color=royalblue]"Okay. So you're hardwired into me. How do I get you off?"[/color] [color=navy]⟟⋏⎐⏃⌰⟟⎅ ⍾⎍⟒⍀⊬[/color] [color=royalblue]"What do you mean- Woah!"[/color] Jaime twisted as a flock of birds was flying [i]right[/i] at him. Using his arms to steady himself out he was on the level again. Okay, he had to admit, this flying thing was pretty cool. "[color=royalblue]"What do you mean Invalid?"[/color] [color=navy]☍⊑⏃⟊⟟-⎅⏃ ☊⏃⋏⋏⍜⏁ ⏚⟒ ⍀⟒⋔⍜⎐⟒⎅ ⎎⍀⍜⋔ ⏁⊑⟒ ⋔⟒⏃⏁ ⍜⋏☊⟒ ⏚⍜⋏⎅⟒⎅ ⍙⟟⏁⊑⍜⎍⏁ ☍⟟⌰⌰⟟⋏☌ ⏁⊑⟒ ⋔⟒⏃⏁[/color] [color=royalblue]"Okay so. Assuming I'm the [i]meat[/i] and you're Khaji-Da... you can't come off without killing me?"[/color] [color=navy]☊⍜⍀⍀⟒☊⏁[/color] The feeling of elation, the adrenaline high that he had been souring on as he flew through the air came crashing down with the realisation. He wasn't ready to be attached to this for the rest of his life, what about his friends? What about school? He couldn't live a normal life with this thing fused to his spine wanting to kill everyone. [color=navy]⟟ ⎅⍜ ⋏⍜⏁ ⌇⟒⟒☍ ⏁⍜ ☍⟟⌰⌰ ⟒⎐⟒⍀⊬⍜⋏⟒ ⟟ ⟊⎍⌇⏁ ⍙⟟⌇⊑ ⏁⍜ ⌿⍀⍜⏁⟒☊⏁ ⊬⍜⎍ ⏃⋏⎅ [⎎⟟⌰⟒ ⟒⍀⍀⍜⍀][/color] [color=royalblue]"Would you stop reading my thoughts! It freaks me out, and what do you mean file error?"[/color] [color=navy]⟟⏁ ⏃⌿⌿⟒⏃⍀⌇ ⋔⊬ ⟟⋏⏁⟒⍀⋏⏃⌰ ⎅⏃⏁⏃⏚⏃⌇⟒ ⟟⌇ ☊⍜⍀⍀⎍⌿⏁⟒⎅[/color] [hr] [b][right]DARK SIDE OF EARTHS MOON // SOL SYSTEM[/right][/b] The tall dark figure growled slightly, an animalistic sound reverberating around the control room of the ship. [b]"[color=black]The Meat continues to exert control over the Scarab.[/color]"[/b] He stepped forward, the black chitin of his armour reflecting the light of the various screens around the control room. The surface of his armour matching most of the interior of the vessel in texture. His feet fell heavy, each step echoing slightly in the empty chamber. Only himself and the ambassador were present, watching as they tracked the Blue Scarab and its host as it travelled through the skies on a course towards this [i]New York[/i] that was apparently so important to this insignificant little planet. In their initial reports, he had already marked it for one of the cities he would inevitably deal with. Should the ambassador's plan fail. It was him that spoke next, in his calm and slow tone. Unintimidating and yet every bit as controlling as his own. [i]"Calm yourself Djo Zha. This is the first scarab within thousands to fail in such a way, we must monitor this young scarab and determine why this human is able to resist its influence. Earth has seen a rise of these Champions called Heroes, perhaps something in their geneology makes them more advanced than they appear to be. This requires study before we begin the implementation of our greater conquest."[/i] [b]"[color=black]What do you suggest then, [i]Ambassador?[/i][/color]"[/b] The Ambassador snarled at Djo Zha, who bowed his head once he remembered his place. He may have been one of the greatest warriors to ever exist, but he was but of the [i]Warrior Caste.[/i] [i]"We shall test the meat. It has already expressed distaste at allowing the Scarab to kill, something many of these humans see as a heinous act. We shall put the Scarab into a combat-heavy environment, and see how well the meat controls the scarab."[/i] [b]"[color=black]And if the Scarab should take over the meat during your test?[/color]"[/b] [i]"Then it shall be deemed all the more successful, as we will then have our tool back where it belongs."[/i] The Ambassador stepped forward, keying a button on the console as a low thrum was sent throughout the vessel.