Here is the template, folks, for those of you who want to crack on and submit a character. Feel free to do some fancy formating and what not with it, if you so wish, just so long as the important stuff stays the same. [hider=CS template] [center] [b]Name/Titles: [/b] [b]Denomination:[/b] (Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeench, Slaanesh, or undivided). [b] Appearance:[/b] (A short description of your character’s appearance. Can be accompanied by a picture, but please no manga.) [b]Personality:[/b] (Your character’s non-physical traits). [b]Biography:[/b] (A brief synopsis of your character’s past, and how they came to be summoned to Skuberrima, by Krynne.) [b]Other:[/b] (Any other pieces of important information which you wish to include.) [/center] [/hider]