[h2][centre] [color=a2d39c] [color=f6989d]Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" [/color][color=6ecff6]& Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" [/color][/color][/centre][/h2] [h3][centre] [color=a2d39c]Monday evening to Saturday - Sol City food Festival - special event [/color][/centre][/h3] [b]Diets, Dilemas and Deep fried twinkies.[/b] [b]Marinalia[/b] Marinalia enjoyed the baseball game surprisingly though the company did help, Xia she was just glad to have some time with after a busy day, and a few busy days coming up meant that a little time to relax with family, a rather attractive girlfriend and some nice passing people they seemed to know. All in all it was a good way to spend a Monday evening that probably would have been netflix and a long bubble bath to relax. Not that that was bad, a good soak never hurt, especially for her sometimes aching feet after a long traffic jam on the gears and clutch all the way. She thought she saw a flash of familiar Red hair leaving but was too distracted by her girlfriend and sisters conversation to fully track. Isosef kept an eye though if any trouble, it was paranoid but he knew how to blend in and not crowd the women. The rest of the week was pretty normal, flights into Canada was like flying into the US only with more paperwork to fill out and sometimes they spoke french more than English depending where you ended up. Either way it was ... Without any real problems and the views of the northern expanses of wilderness certainly where spectacular from cruising height on a clear day. Taking her free morning, a few km several mornings that week had her least feeling slightly better if her resolve failed at the food festival. Not that the fact she could sneak the odd kiss from a certain someone on the way in or out occasionally enjoyed. Much as she as not clingy, part of her just enjoyed having someone, it had been a while. Friday swung round and saw the two sisters getting their nails done with pumpkin spice lattes and a late breakfast from a nearby diner of pancakes. The Festival was partly set up and they could watch from their home the growing construction site that was the food festival, trucks, heavy haulers and vans of all types had descended and unloaded what seemed like a small town of booths, large tents and structures bearing large flags and logos of sponsors with another larger stage like area being built with the help of a small crane and rather busy crews visible in there high vis. Nails where not strictly needed but if she was on show, she would look good doing it... By the time the morning came round too quickly. Dressed in her full formal uniform, skirt, fitted jacket complete with 4 gold stripes as a full captain, gold wings, and all the trimmings including her cap. Rarely worn normally complete with gold leaves and airline logo. She really had gone all out as peaking below her uniform was the gold chain and gleaming ice blue diamond necklace from her grandmother and name badge in gold text with wings, "Instructor - Captain - Marinalia Romus Oylmpus". Despite being being 5'5 it did make you feel 6 feet tall. Guess it was kinda the point. Only her day could not go entirely easy as she queued up for a coffee, hand bag digging in for her cash card, dropping her hat while she was at it. Leaning down she had the misfortune to bump a taller, rather attractive lady with her bum as she leant down to pick it backup and brush her leg somewhat, she really did not want to be flirting, she was quite happy as she was. Taller, rather well toned with pinkish red hair... The smile she gave really did not help her case. Nervous smile... sHe helping pick up with slate grey eyes meeting green[i][color=f6989d]"Umm. Sorry. Dropped my hat, don't normally bother with thing, excuse me. I got to get to the Festival, Thanks for helping[/color][/i] The rather short yellow sundress, wide hat and simple white cardigan, it all worked especially showing quite a bit of skin... Very toned Skin she rather much brushed against in a rather nicely fitted pilots uniform and skirt that was... Well it did not hide her athletic figure under the 4 gold barred uniform. At the Sol Bucks near the Cornea Park, she was sure she has seen her before, rather hard to miss. Her English accent was cheerful, though had a chime like nature recently thanks to things going well again. Marinalia quickly ordered a pumpkin spice latte and got to the food festival. Much as she was confident, flirting with random people was a little out of her comfort zone off the bat. She preferred to get to know people first, warm flirting not basically cold calling. Especially when she really did not want to give wrong idea, she did not need two girlfriends... [hr] Heading out to the festival and the Deadalus area sipping an overpriced but rather nice Sol Bucks Coffee. The simulators and so where all set up, freebies stockpiled, models all mounted and glemaing just had to wait for the visitors. She already had put one of the hoodies aside, daedalus did not have as many today and they were really comfy...so very comfy. She was yet to manage to steal one off Xia, yet... Yes...she was a hoodie acquirer... Savouring the Caffeine, they were going to be busy, especially when people reached the various corporate hospitality. Rebellion was nearby, though they still had something... Whatever it was hidden. The red and white logo of Umbrella was clear too, Caffeine addiction studies. Well everyone had heard the rumours and myths what had gone at a few of there facilities...who knew the real answer... Least she was only a short walk from home, she could practically see the white Parisian mansion from where on the edge of Corona park. Park view...well it name made sense, strange thoughts while the white tips of her french nails linked to a hand holding onto a pumpkin spice lattes like it was the holy grail. Apollo might be here at least, perhaps boomer. The old man was unlikely. Hopefully Athena. She was fun! Ok she felt a alittle over dressed but hey, people came to see the airline at its best. Some where more casual but her confidence felt better in her full uniform and gleaming gold stripes, wings and cap with wreaths and badges. It...was her..but more. It was a outward layer of protection. [hr] [b]Victoria[/b] [hr] Victoria had excused herself at the end of the baseball game getting a lift back, though she made sure to give Xia the hug she missed, and extra. Victoria was a tad more emotional these days, damn hormones... Up and down like a yo yo. Getting an early night she barely had a shower and dried off her hair before curling up in her overly large bed and sleeping rather soundly cocooned under and in a squishy quilt. If Marlin refined she did not know, Remembering her chef passing acquaintance, she had bid him a good evening and promised to take him up on the offer one night. She would ring up in a few days once things settled down and she knew what her schedule was like and Marlin was not busy doing later evenings home after heading north each Lunch time once the cargo's where fully loaded up, checked and signed off. [i][color=6ecff6]"Hi, it's Victoria, we gonna be having Marlins Grandfather over soon, and your food is lovely. can you get us a table for 5 aporox, though it may be short notice, not sure when exactly when over. If your snob boss argues, just get him to Google Maxamillion Olympus. He will make us room. We can make sure to tip well if it helps!"[/color][/i] The first thing she did notice though was rather not so welcome when she found herself wanting to throw up, or feel close. Urgh... One slightly slower later in the morning later and a long shower she made her way down to starting to really realize what kinda ride she got herself into...that thought was broken by a sudden rush to the bathroom. It was meant to mornings.... Sigh...it was still late morning. Maybe it would respect its name and give her rest of day...please. well this part sucked...or spewed to be exact. [hr] The other news only made her soul sick. Urgh. She did not want to believe what was laid out across the large office desk. Only a few names on a list. Only one of those was the most likely suspect but part of her did not want to believe the tear soaked script listing "Ethen" at the top and reasons that could only combine... She did not want to believe that... She was not expecting a fairy tale, or even that it was guaranteed a wedding or princess getting kissed by the prince. However such an intimate betrayal was damaging down to her soul. It just hurt... She wanted to believe it was not real but too many facts that added up... Hitting her desk with frustration, that hurt but right now, everything did... Calling Isosef, she did not feel at all safe to drive in this mood, a walk was needed but she wanted some peace and quiet so grabbed her coat, boots and bag and soon found herself sitting overlooking the city in the Atlas mountains where least she would not be bothered....and away from... The list... Torn what do even do... Publicly nothing, maybe even seem happy... Privately... Different. [i][color=6ecff6]"I know things been... Busy. Very busy. citizenships are stupidly complicated. But we need to talk. Did you tell anyone?. Because someone betrayed that video. Only we fucking knew exactly. And told very very few... In private. I do not want press...I just want to live without that bullshit, have a healthy baby and keep any child out the fucking vulturous craven, scavenging scum! They cost me one job already. vkia"[/color][/i] Victoria did not know what she wanted to say, exactly what she wanted? What exactly did she want to get out of this? It had taken several weeks of research by two clever people at least just to get close and a rough but fairly straight suspected answer. They had hidden their tracks very well around a month or more to unravel them. Exactly who was...unknown. a lot of unknowns. Urgh... Her mess was of an epic sized shit hitting a very large fan while it was on fire in a hurricane. [hr] One quick run to the shops to pick up a few items she had on order that were not available in her size and a spin by to drop some documents off at the British consulate office in the city, it was getting round to her feeling a little hungry. Agreeing with Isosef who was a little bit of a passenger seat driver though being paid to look after her. She still was paying him so... A little awkward mix especially when your protectee insists on driving, thankfully it was a safe...ish city. Slowly in the traffic the Dark purple Bentley rumbled along though the metropolis. [hr] [hider=Appendix - uniform] Female pilots uniform. Smart but more fitted than masculine uniform, 4 gold stripes on arms and shoulders of blouse. Gold wings with name badge and standard pilots cap with wreath and airline badge. Uniform being a mix of both, still recognised as pilot with a more feminine twist to it at expense of being a alittle less practical. [img]https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0087/1432/1979/products/Striped-Professional-Women-Skirt-Suits-Formal-Blazers-womens-set-outfit-Autumn-Business-Office-jacket-Skirt-shirt.jpg_640x640_093f734f-d4da-4311-b475-186e8b22ff99_620x.jpg?v=1541090090[/img] [img]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/08/09/13/42EF8C6A00000578-4758018-image-a-20_1502280266650.jpg[/img] [/hider]