[color=f49ac2]“Yeah, I guess so.”[/color] Smiling as he didn’t seem too fussed over the staring, she wasn’t fazed over it either, what mattered was them getting the bits she needed and just relaxing. Plus, it didn’t matter what others thought anyway. Listening to his answers she understood, with eyes constantly watching you she doubted you could get away with anything. However, dealing with it all your life she figured there would come a point where you just didn’t care over it anymore. She couldn’t help but wonder if at any point he had been self-conscious, however it was not a question to ask as she was still getting to know him. [color=f49ac2]“I can imagine, they seem the type to gossip, I suppose if you were to have a new haircut the whole town would hear about it.” [/color]Teasing gently as she stood by him at the counter watching as the items were bought. [color=f49ac2]“I bet your friends find it highly amusing to wind you up with too.”[/color] Thinking on it some more, friends were always the best to tease and wind each other up and she was sure his did the same. It made her wonder what her friends were like, that was if she had any. [color=f49ac2][i]What a nice gesture.[/i][/color] Looking at him take the bags she was kind of glad in a way as balancing them around whilst hobbling along would have been quite the challenge, she was glad he had taken them for now. Eyes had caught sight of the card he had used, and she had never seen something so… so gold before. It must have been some card his family had that he used to pay for everything with, she wouldn’t ask though. That would be rude. Following him along this time she was glad he had said the shop wasn’t too far, she hadn’t realised how much effort it would take to use crutches but then she had spent a couple of days in hospital barely moving around. [color=f49ac2]“Oh yeah, nearly forgot about those.”[/color] Thankfully he had remembered about toiletries because she had forgotten, it must had been all the excitement with the idea of new clothes. [color=f49ac2]“Least it’s not too far.”[/color] Smiling as she continued to hobble on trying to ignore the discomfort that was rising with each step. Moving inside the last shop it was pretty colourful and there was plenty of smells and different scents that distracted her, it was all nice smelling and she couldn’t help but smile. The bottles looked pretty expensive but at the same time it looked so inviting, the idea of using them was pretty exciting. Shaking her head, she was getting distracted, so she moved herself towards the toothbrushes knowing that was definitely an essential toiletry she needed. Picking up a purple coloured toothbrush she held it up pointing at it grinning to Cas, [color=f49ac2]“Purple is one of my favourite colours!”[/color] It was a silly thing to remember but she was clearly thrilled that just a little toothbrush had brought back a piece of something for her.