[color=f49ac2]“You mean people read that kind of stuff?”[/color] Iris scoffed as she wandered well hobbled towards the rows of bath stuff, shampoos and conditioners. [color=f49ac2]“I bet they have some stupid titles trying to find meaning on why you got a haircut.”[/color] Chuckling to herself as she picked up one of the bottles looking it over and smelling it briefly, it smelt lovely and had this hint of lavender. One of her favourite scents so it was pretty easy at choosing a set. Picking up the bottles she smirked at Cas thinking on one of the silly headlines he no doubt had over his hair,[color=f49ac2] “Let me guess.”[/color] Clearing her throat she took a deep breath before she put on quite the dramatic sounding voice, she was still quiet so no one else could hear except them. [color=f49ac2]“[i]Haircut or heartbreaker?[/i] This new hair style is bound to have all the girls swooning over the Prince. Experts say this haircut originated from France. The city of romance.”[/color] Giggling to herself as she glanced round the store thinking on if she needed anything else. Looking at the various items she had the basics for her to get by and she was kind of glad, the idea of getting off of her feet was so appealing. Moving once more towards the counter to pay for the items she couldn’t help but feel this was nice, they were still having normal conversations and enjoying each other’s company and she was glad for that fact. [color=f49ac2]“Dark red, I’ll remember that.”[/color] It was silly that she was getting so happy over little things like favourite colours, food she liked and the fact she could share it with someone. Plus, he didn’t seem like he was bored or annoyed over it, he genuinely seemed interested. [color=f49ac2]“So, we have clothes, toiletries. I think that’s it right?”[/color] Looking back at Cas as she thought on if she needed anything else, but she honestly didn’t. She had somewhere to sleep, a change of clothes and painkillers in the car which was something she would definitely have to take after their little excursion to the shops. It was needed though plus it was good to get used to walking with the crutches with a bit more distance to it than to and from the bathroom in the hospital. [color=f49ac2]“However, I do want to come back, they have some great smelling food around here and I do love my food.”[/color] The different scents of food that she had smelt on the way in was enough to excite anyone, who would ever want to eat a salad? It seemed like there was such a range here that she doubted she could even get bored of the food; it would also certainly beat any hospital food she had eaten. [color=f49ac2]“Maybe next time I may even bump into someone I know? Shame it didn’t seem to happen today but there is always next time!”[/color] It was strange but maybe her friends or family hadn’t been out today? But then it only furthered her thought of the fact she could have lived alone. What if no one knew she was gone?