[@Legion02] [color=c4df9b][h2][center]O'Ner Faister [/center][/h2][/color] O'Ner listened to what Xenelith was saying, "I see then the more direct approach will be used" He touched his boney chin hoping for more for gaining information but they could gain the information he needed if he could torture them. "Then with your forces and your wolves this will be a relative ease, Well we should not waste anytime and let them escape" Again he wanted to get this whole ordeal over with so he could go back to his garden. "And i can assist you and use my magic to follow them disguised as a villager or one of your wolves?" He suggested wanting to at least follow them and find out what they know or where they are going" O'Ner gave some suggestions of what they could be planning. Alternatively he and Tulip could go either with or ahead of the wolves to help tract the humans.