[img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cd4y4K5.jpg[/img][/center][img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Dzr1SkwX/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [b][color=white][center][i][sub][color=00aeef]"Earth's defenders never surrender!"[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTKatLk2TWY][ ♫ ][/url][/sub][/i][/center][/color][/b] In Center City, the sound of blaring alarms was commonplace for its citizens. Loud and rapturous, the sharp noise of warning bells and long droning sirens cut through the idyllic peace inhabited by the city and the world. It was a reminder to Center City that peace was but a fleeting moment often undercut by ripples of strife. Chaos came in many forms and for those of the planet, it came in the shape of GMGs. Even now, the citizens of Center City dropped what they were doing and scurried off to the designated bunkers. All of this was routine by now. Like robots, they followed the direction of military personnel. Large sections of the city’s roads rooted themselves out of the ground, opening like a landing platform. Darkness was all that could be seen in the void but the mass pockets all over the city were in fact massive bunkers. From there every citizen not a part of the military would be rushed into these great maws, as if swallowed into the jaws of some beast in the ground. Then the roads closed again to seal the citizens safe and sound underground as the battle for their city rained fire above them. In next to no time, the MFF deployed and marched into the streets of Center City. Above the skies roared a great number of helicopters, more so than usual when it came to combatting GMGs. That could mean only one thing and the bird-like humanoid that now towered over the buildings confirmed it to be so. Terrorkeet had struck again, ready to lay waste to the city below in a maelstrom of destruction and ruin. The choppers advanced long before the ground troops could mobilize into proper position, firing off their missiles at the GMG. Little to their knowledge was where Terrorkeet came from. One moment the skies were clear and devoid of abnormal activity and the next, the great monster was visible for all to see. Still, there was no question to the why and how, only the assurance the beast would be put down before casualties were given. Only Terrorkeet would know of her sudden transformation, a wave of invisible power triggering her transformation back into her monstrous state from whatever she was doing. It was good for her then that she was alone at the time of incident. [img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img]