Faolan grunted in agreement. It had been named after a province in France, after all. Hopefully all of that made Lucien feel more at home. Faolan remembered how it was when he first set foot into the world, it hadn't been pleasant. At least he'd done what he could to make the journey more pleasant for the lad. He almost chuckled at Lucien's last comment, and said under his breath, [color=a36209]"Comes with the territory..."[/color] just as the priest stepped back into the room. Faolan followed the two of them into the kitchen, ducking as he made his way through the door. He certainly felt a lot bigger now that he was inside again, like back in the cabin. It was a bit cramped in here too, not as much so, but this home had clearly been meant for one average-sized person, not two and a third almost-giant. He lowered himself gently into a chair and looked down into his bowl. The spices had hit him when they first entered the house, but now that the food was mere inches from his face, it was packing a wallop. His eyes started to water just from the scent of it, and he could feel his Irish constitution turning his face red already. Faolan's incredible sense of smell made spicy and rich foods a little harder for him to eat, but his stomach growled almost audibly as he looked down at the food in front of him. He waited until the priest and Lucien picked up their spoons before he followed suit, and began to eat. Despite the smell of the spices, the flavor was quite mild. It reminded him of a seafood stew, just with more flavor. He liked it, and soon found himself digging in hungrily. He had been eating so fervently he hadn't even tried listening to Lucien's conversation with the priest. Not that he would get more than a couple of words anyway, he only spoke two languages, and they were both his native tongue. Faolan almost started when the priest began to speak directly to him, and he looked up at him sheepishly as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve without even noticing that he was doing so. [color=a36209]"Mm..."[/color] he said, then glanced at Lucien. So that's what he'd been talking about... Faolan looked around a moment. Judging by the size of the house from the outside, there was only one room for sleeping, and probably one lavatory as well. He had shared a smaller space with more men before, but with his size and the situation, this felt more like an imposition. However, he didn't exactly have a place to stay, and he would only be here for a week and a half at most... [color=a36209]"That's kind of you to offer...I'll take you up, if you've got the space. Only a few days though, I'll be out of yer hair within the week."[/color] Even if Faolan couldn't find enough work to get him moving in that time, he planned on finding another place to stay with what little money he could earn. [color=a36209]"If you've got any work that needs doin', I'd be happy to lend a hand in return."[/color]