[hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oiSJ6L9.png[/img] [h3][color=f26522]*<:Location:_Onboard_Resurgence:>* *<:Directive:_Board_Gunship_Ready_For_Deployment:>*[/color][/h3] [b][color=f26522]Mentions:[/color][/b] [@Zarkun][/center] [hr][hr] Bold as her response may be, Samus had to admit that Jerus was right. Or right in the tense that he knows more about his own universe compared to her. If her chozo armor wasn't going to fit in this universe without a proper explanation, then she'll have to improvise her suit's origins. She'll have come back to that. Now with the bounty hunter gone, Samus was now on her own once more. The next thing to do now is to check on her ship's repair status, which had been active as soon as she docked onto the [i]Resurgence[/i]. As she made her way to the hangar, she could see the bustling hangar filled with clones patrolling the area, while the engineers were working on the docked starships. Samus noted the different kinds of fighter vessels, from the [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/a/a9/V-wing_BF2.png/revision/latest?cb=20170825000555]triangular-looking red-and-grey vessels[/url] to [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/d/df/ARC-170_Shara_Bey.png/revision/latest?cb=20180515075522]larger red-and-white multi-seated fighters[/url], and all alongside [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/8/81/Y-wing.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/2000?cb=20161110013308]yellow y-wing-shaped ships of some kind[/url]. At least this ship looks to be rather prepared for any future engagements, but there weren't too terribly many of them. Looks like the [i]Resurgence[/i] will have to reserve their ships until they can find a way to make more or steal ships from the enemy. After she looked around, the bounty hunter quickly made her way to her docked ship. A repair group were still working on the gunship's engines, with sparks splattering from the blowtorches alongside the sound of mechanical adjustments. Samus would approach one of the engineers and announce her presence. [color=f26522][b]"Status report?"[/b][/color] she asked directly towards the closet clone to her. The scruffy-looking man opened his visor and lifted his gaze to see the hulking armored figure standing over him. [b]"Your engines had been banged up pretty hard, mam."[/b] he sighed, [b]"Obviously we don't have the exact parts from where you came from, but we'll install the closest things to them. They're close enough anyways."[/b] [color=f26522][b]"And when will she be ready?"[/b][/color] Samus asked again. [b]"Uhh, give us another hour."[/b] the engineer replied as he flipped his visor back on again, [b]"We'll notify ya when she's ready - we're working as fast as we can."[/b] Suddenly, the whole hangar was glowing bright red as alarms proceeded to blare through the vessel. Samus could hear Commander Jason over the comms alerting everyone about the incoming threat. [quote=Jason][i]"All ships, this is a code red. Imperial ships are inbound right now. I strongly suggest elevating to combat-ready status."[/i][/quote] Samus growled to herself as she looks on at her unfinished baby. Looks like the enemy has indeed found them first, and whats worse, her ship isn't ready to go into combat. She cursed to herself as she watched the rest of the clones getting ready to man the defenses. As she walked around, a squad of clones ran straight across her as one of the lieutenant barked at them to get going. [b][color=ed1c24]"Move it troops! On the double!"[/color][/b] the sergeant barked as he pointed to the hangar bays. As the last of his squad made it through, he turned around to see Samus just idly standing in the midst of the chaos. He gave a frustrated sigh before turning towards the armored figure. [b][color=ed1c24]"Sir!"[/color][/b] the lieutenant called out as he approached Samus, [b][color=ed1c24]"What are you doing just idling around?! Prepare for combat now!"[/color][/b] Samus glared towards the trooper before pointing to her unfinished ship. The lieutenant, already being annoyed enough, looked back and called up for further orders. [b][color=ed1c24]"Then you're coming with me to the gunships, soldier!"[/color][/b] the clone barked again as he threw his thumb over his shoulder, [b][color=ed1c24]"We'll be issuing a boarding raid on the enemy ships. And YOU look like the perfect unit for the job! Now follow me!"[/color][/b] Now forced to join the republic boarding party, Samus was forced to follow the clone lieutenant to his LAAT. As they boarded, the 6'3" bounty hunter could be seen sticking out like a sore thumb in front of the shorter, black-and-red, clone troopers. As soon as they boarded, another announcement could be heard from the comms. [quote=Jason][i]"Wait for us to fire before engaging, it will buy you time to get shots lined up for maximum damage."[/i][/quote] With that, she was forced to wait alongside the rest of the troopers as they ready to start the boarding protocol...