Pylia gritted her teeth. "It's a possibility. The medicine would sedate him if he was furious, but right now he's wounded. I can treat the wounds so he's stabilized, but... But we'll need to use magic to heal him, and even then afterwards there's no guarantee he'll be calm with us, considering that he was dying moments ago." Pylia gets to work preventing Green Eyes from bleeding out, carefully removing the spears as to not aggravate his wounds and apply some medicine onto his body which would help heal the healing process, though it would take time they might not have. Shortfang stepped up. "Shortfang still have one goodberry. That heal Green Eyes right? And Shortfang kinda know how riders control sewer dragons! Use meat! We use trog meat, show Green Eyes we friendly, is good, then we no need sleepy medicine, yeah?" Buddy examined Green Eyes as well, writing a quick note for everyone. [b][i]"I can heal him."[/i][/b] [hider=Rolls and Info] Pylia (8/24) Sylvia (12/21) Shortfang (18/26) | Syfr (1/1) Buddy (23/31) Pylia's medicine check = [url=]13[/url] Shortfang's Animal Handling = [url=]11[/url] Buddy's Animal handling = [url=]10[/url] [/hider]