[b][h2][center]Gillian[/center][/h2][/b] Gillian trudged through the smoldering battlefield about as casually as one might expect him to, occasionally punting a lost scrap of armor to the side to clear a path towards its heart. Though strangely his gait was...a little faster than it normally was to those that knew him. Perhaps the dismissive way he treated the carnage hefted upon the area was a mere facade to hide a deeply hidden empathy for his enemy...more likely though it was the chittering noble man at his flank. The man's manner of speaking was grating at best, seeming to have divorced itself from common tongue in ages long past despite still using words from it. Not helped at all that the man was apparently an avid collector of 'knight accoutrements and paces of valorous noteliness' and VERY much eager to speak to the closest knight at length of his collection. The knight in question, sadly, being Gillian. [b]"I can see why these ruffians did set up camp here, old boy!"[/b] Mortimer said, continuing on a rant that Gillian had largely relegated to white noise. [b]"This particular cleavage of land has something of a history of being the dogs where staging grounds are concerned."[/b]That caught Gillian's attention, if only because it the only half coherent thing the man had said in the last few minutes. [color=00aeef]"What do you mean?"[/color] He asked hesitantly, unsure if he dared wake the sleeping giant that was this mans ability to talk his ear off. On his other flank, Gillian could practically feel the other two prisoners eyes on him, their warning silent but far too late. [b]"Oh my yes. Good wood in these parts you notice? Lots of hardwoods..."[/b] He said and Gillian took a quick look around. The man was right. The bulk of it was oak, but a few birch trees were stubbornly poking through the shrubbery. [b]"A biggin part of the local eneconomy's tide to the timber craft. I fancy a bet a good portion of the capital her self source its timbers from here around."[/b] Gillian nodded his understanding before speaking. [color=00aeef]"Doesn't explain why this is a good staging ground."[/color] He said flatly. [color=00aeef]"More over, if the lumber here is so profitable why hasn't this area been cleared? I see a flaming tree atleast a thousand years old that would have turned any mill an obscene profit."[/color] Mortimer shrugged. [b]"Would if either side could. We're on a boarder between two major groups of holdings, so jurisdiction on who has ownership of the land is a bit...fuzzy. None helped by the highway that runs through 'er. Trust me, if'n there was any way I could give the go ahead and strip the land without four or five other nobles having a giraffe I would. If any of us tried to kick up a fuss about it, the Royal family is liable to get involved. Or worse...the buggers at the chamber of trade..."[/b] He added, spitting the last words as if they were particularly vile. [b]"As it stands we mostly use it for sourcing saplings for larger plantations and game for the peasantry. "[/b] [color=00aeef]"So nobody can work the land and everyone stands to lose a profit if too much attention gets brought to it. And as a result, even though a highway runs through it, the local nobility doesn't really monitor it closely. So its a great spot to organize troops without being too cut off from a supply line..."[/color] Gillian finished running a hand down his face. It was so calming to find out that this was, atleast in some small part, due to people not wanting their coin purses to be short a few silver. [b]"We give as good as we get."[/b] The Dandy huffed, obviously having told this particularly tid bit of info enough times to know what some might think. [b]"Since none of us commit troops or resources this far out of our holdings, if the surrounding villages or even our estates are captured, its still a good days ride to here. Its just as good a staging ground for the capital as it is for invaders. If not better."[/b] He said with an air of certainty. [b]"Why, during the Red Flag Wars your previous captain even used this region for her own ends."[/b] He added smuggly, twirling his mustache with no small amount of pride. Gillian stared at the man for a moment, eyes widening at the implication. [color=00aeef]"Captain Sylvia fought here?"[/color] He asked, somewhat stunned. While he'd never met the woman, she was still a hot topic among the order. Especially these days. Mortimer deflated a bit. [b]"Ah well.."[/b] He began, the characteristic enthusiasm of the man dulling a bit as he was caught in the white lie. [b]"Less fought and more commanded forces here. A few minor skirmishes only I'm afraid. It was why I was out here in the first place. I was out getting the old elbows greased and looking for historical pieces when I spied the camp. Thought I'd found something important and decided to have a dekko."[/b] He explained halfheartedly. Well...that certainly explained how this idiot had gotten caught. Gillian wasn't really sure if he should chalk that up to good or bad luck. He was about to ask more when he spied the child captain, currently being loomed over by several others. Gillian's hand practically shot out, grabbing another knight by the collar and quickly (and unceremoniously) dumping babysitting duty on him. Mortimer, for his part, looked immensely pleased just to have someone new to talk to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [@HereComesTheSnow][@OwO][@VitaVitaAR] [color=00aeef]"Don't think the tree had a name Larette."[/color] Gillian said, sauntering up to the group and only pausing to give Jarde a brief (but respectful) nod. [color=00aeef]"But if you're asking about the half a man under it,...Rick?...Mack? It escapes me at the moment but I remember it being short for something..."[/color] He said as he spared a glance to their fallen brother in arms. He rubbed a claw across his chin for a second, as if to think hard. [color=00aeef]"Ah no wait. It was Jack. Poor Jack. To be felled by lumber..."[/color] He said, eyes lighting up with amusement. In truth, Gillian couldn't remember the name of the knight. Mostly as he never bothered to learn it. It made things...easier. Their life wasn't exactly safe and they were all aware of that. Even on milk runs like this, things happened and sometimes those things killed you for no good reason. Larette seemed like the type to cope with remembering the dead, which was fine. But he wasn't. The fact that his method probably enraged her probably also helped. [color=00aeef]"I recovered the other prisoners by the way,...you know. Before they were consumed by the fires. You're welcome, by the way."[/color] He said flatly, waving a claw to as though to dismiss the dead man from his presence. The half corpse stubbornly remained in view of all. [color=00aeef]"They're fine. A little shaken and the girl needs some decent food in her, but otherwise fit to travel."[/color] He reported, more addressing the group than reporting to their 'captain' directly. Looking the girl over tough...she wasn't too much worse for the wear. Apparently the battle with the bandit leader was more hetic than Gillian first thought it was. There was a light haze of purple on her neck, likely bruised from a strangle attempt, but otherwise she seemed unharmed. But there were other things...smaller and long forgotten by the majority of the Knights here. The small shake in the brats fingers, the eyes slightly too wide for the emotions behind them. The Brave mini-captain, it seemed, was coming down from her first combat high. Gillian released an annoyed sigh, rubbing his face and biting back a back handed compliment he'd just thought up at Larette's expense. They seriously hadn't even bloodied this kid before putting her in charge? He wasn't sure if that was a product of the blind faith some had in this asinine little tradition or just old fashioned cruelty. He would bet on it being both though. [color=00aeef]"Danbalion."[/color] He huffed, voice free from its normal din of sarcasm for once and instead tinged with the brusque tone normally reserved for recruits. [color=00aeef]"Go sit on your horse. You're gonna feel like warmed over shit in a couple. That's a good thing. It means you got the job done."[/color] He adds, locking eyes on the younger knight and crossing his arms, signaling that refusing wasn't an option. As it stood, he'd half a mind to throw the kid onto her mount before she got a chance to answer. [color=00aeef]"Jarde's got a good head for this. If he asks you something, agree. Otherwise just...ride this out."[/color] He says, voice softening just a twinge at the end as he turned his glare back to Aria. If his little comment about the other knight hadn't gotten to her, then he was pretty sure this would. The ride back to Aimlenn was going to be a long one for him, and he was pretty sure she'd make sure of it now.