Father Cyril glanced toward the entrance of the kitchen. [b]"If you don't mind the couch, I'm afraid that's all I have to offer."[/b] He said, pausing for a moment. [b]"There's a few things that could use some storing.. The boxes are quite heavy. I'm afraid our backs can't really handle that kind of weight anymore."[/b] He said, chuckling a little sheepishly. Lucien felt his shoulders relax as Faolan accepted Father Cyril's offer. His smile returned to him, and he began to eat his food at a more normal pace now that he didn't have those thoughts to worry about. Even if it wasn't long, he'd be sticking around a little longer. Who knows.. maybe he'd like it here? Hearing them talk about work made the boy curious. Now that he was here, would he be allowed to do those things? [color=burlywood]"Hey.. Father Cyril.. is that something I will be able to do as well...? Work?"[/color] He asked a little hopefully. The priest seemed to clearly hesitate in answering his question. Perhaps he should have waited to be alone to ask him but, he couldn't help it. Part of him hoped that being away from home meant he'd have a little more freedom, after all he was much older now. [b]"I'm.. not sure if that's a good idea, but you did just get here. Maybe when you adjust a little more.. we can talk more about it."[/b] He responded. Lucien grew a little dejected, but he didn't argue, considering he knew the reasoning behind it. He'd have to bring it up later when they were alone. [b]"Ah, by the way, the docks is always looking for people to help out, so I would recommend asking there if you're looking for something less permanent."[/b] The priest suggested as he turned his attention back to Faolan.