[color=f49ac2]“I probably have.”[/color] Agreeing with their earlier comments of trying all the food places in the mall, perhaps going to one of them would spark a memory? Well she hoped so because her memories were all over the place but least, she had remembered a few things, nothing that really helped her, but they were enough to keep her positive. [color=f49ac2][i]Celebratory pizza, that sounds wonderful.[/i][/color] Smiling to herself as she thought on food in the ride, however her face turned a full-on crimson when her stomach rumbled in the car. It was no doubt to do with thinking about eating but still, she had been embarrassed. Hands clasped her stomach as she chuckled nervously glancing over at Cas, [color=f49ac2]“Seems I’m not the only excited about food…”[/color] Her voice was a little higher than usual but again she had been embarrassed by the sound of her stomach. Settling back down she glanced out of the window as they pulled up at a red light, the area they were in was quite fancy but then everything looked so fancy in the city. Maybe she was just too tired to remember anything? Hopefully once she was settled and feeling better, they could do some exploring and she would remember who she was, or even where she lived. Looking towards Cas as he spoke about the rules that had been put in place, she couldn’t help but smile, she honestly didn’t mind, and she could understand. [color=f49ac2]“Honestly, it’s no bother I’m grateful I can even stay. You’re his only son, right? It sounds like he is just being that extra protective which only shows his care for you.”[/color] It was no problem, ten seemed reasonable and it didn’t matter where her room was as long as it had a bed and she had somewhere to sleep. Taking a moment on his word’s rebellion sounded so familiar and strange to her, she knew about the rebellion. Why did she know about the rebellion? [i]“Your MOTHER was a casualty of this rebellion; don’t you forget it!” The sound of smashing wood against something, glass bottles falling with a clink to the floor. “She’s dead, what are you going to do about it?” [/i] Blinking a few times, she averted her gaze from Cas, her mother was dead? That’s why her mother didn’t come for her. She was a casualty of the rebellion? What did that mean? That was a memory she could have done without, but she could hear the hurt in the male’s voice, her father she assumed. How old was she when that had happened? She could only assume it was however long ago the rebellion had started. Distracting herself with looking back out the window she wondered if she should tell him about her memory? It seemed a bit of a heavy topic so perhaps she would wait until she was settled in and then discuss it. Plus, she didn’t want to dampen the mood as they had quite the fun day so far. [color=f49ac2]“I gather your… mansion? Is quite the showstopper? Especially as you say it’s better than a five-star hotel.”[/color] Smiling back at Cas trying to push back the memory she had seen. Worrying about it now would do nothing, that was a problem for later.