[quote=@King Cosmos] Worm fan by any chance? I'm interested in this. The setting kind of reminds me of Infamous, with people gaining powers in the wake of a disaster and the powers being limited to the one city for the moment, with more of a cyberpunk feel to it. [/quote] I don't know what Worm is so probably not. [quote=@Lord of Evil] I want in on this too, might have a cool idea for it. [/quote] Colour me intrigued. As I know some people like brainstorming characters so I decided to throw up the Parahuman Codex for how the Lorne Corporation classifies Paras. [hider=ParaHuman Codex] [center] [i]These are classifications of Parahumans and how the authorities classify them in their dealings with them. There are four categories, threat level within a category can change drastically depending on the individual[/i] [hider=Alpha Para] The most worrying Paras and typically the most feared. An Alpha Paras ability is one that can influence another living being. This is exceptionally rare and typically results in telepathy or the ability to influence someone's mind. Typically ‘mind control’ is limited to control over animals rather than humans however more powerful Paras have been able to control people with rumours that there are even some who can influence control over crowds. [/hider] [hider=Beta Para] A Beta Para is a Para who influences their environment. The most common in this category are the ‘kinesis’ users. Telekinesis, Geokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Aerokinesis etc. Usually, they have control over some form of environmental factor, some have even been recorded to have power over technology. These Paras can even sometimes take on attributes of whatever it is they are controlling, and use it to further advance themselves. E.g. Turning themselves to rock, flying, setting themselves on fire. [/hider] [hider=Gamma Para] A Gamma Para is a Para whose ability directly affects themselves. Superspeed, healing, strength, durability, hyper-intelligence. These are all potential abilities of a Gamma. Easier to blend in than any other category the Gammas make up the vast majority of the Para population. These abilities unlike in the other categories have the highest fluctuation of threat levels. With some being classed at a lowly ‘1’ where their abilities are just above that of a regular human. Up and coming athletes face tests to determine whether they are simply top of their class or a Para trying to capitalize on their abilities. [/hider] [hider=Omega Para] Omega Paras are exceptionally rare and are instantly a Threat Level 3. Omega Paras are individuals who exhibit abilities from two or even three categories. Exceedingly rare. Only two have been known so far and both caused mass damage to Marlon and its people. [/hider] [/center] [hider=Threat Levels] [b]1.[/b] First response crew capture and contain. Standard operating procedure. [PASSIVE PARA - MINIMUM THREAT] [b]2.[/b] Specialised units called to assist standard units. Capture and Contain. [AVERAGE PARA - MEDIOCRE THREAT] [b]3.[/b] Initial forces work on containment [i]only[/i]. Specialist forces called in for the capture. [ACTIVE PARA - THREAT] [b]4.[/b] Specialist forces contain and capture, backup called for heavy units. [HIGH-RISK PARA - IMMEDIATE RESPONSE] [b]5.[/b] Heavy units called, kill order given. Evacuate surrounding areas. [DANGEROUS PARA - HIGH RESPONSE] [center] These power levels can also be broken up like so. [1] is a Para who likely can’t affect anyone, other than potentially one or two people. If they decide to use their powers to get one over on other individuals they won’t be able to affect many people at once. Whereas [5] indicates that a Para will be able to cause mass destruction, harm and death all by themselves likely with very little effort. These are the extremes, and there is everything in between. [/center] [/hider][/hider]