When Iris’s stomach grumbled, Cas glanced over at her with a smirk. [color=#b97703]“We’ll get you some food as soon as you’re settled into your room,”[/color] he assured her. Noticing the blush on her cheeks, he pursed his lips to stifle the smile that threatened to take over his mouth. He thought her bashfulness was cute, but he didn’t want her to think he was making fun of her. [color=#b97703]“I’m pretty hungry too, actually,”[/color] he added, resting a hand on his middle. [color=#b97703]“So I’m surprised your stomach beat mine to it.”[/color] At least Iris wasn’t upset with the strict curfew she would have to follow. he was glad about that, since he would have found it suffocating to be forced to be in his bedroom at ten every night. Then again, he had always been fond of partying, and events like those usually happened pretty late. Maybe she was fine with the early time because she didn’t have any place to be after ten. All the hobbies she had told him about sounded like things she could do during the middle of the day anyway. She probably didn’t have a reason to stay out until the ungodly hours of the night like he did—or [i]would[/i] if his father ever let him stay out past midnight again. However, as she talked about how the king was only being protective of him, he wasn’t sure what to say. She was probably right. His father had every reason to want to keep him safe, since he was the only close family member he had left. It was just hard not to pay attention to the little voice in the back of his head that told him Atlas was just trying to protect his legacy. He was the king’s only son, but that also meant he was the only heir who could succeed him when he died. His father might only care about what happened to him because the empire he’d build was riding on his shoulders. [color=#b97703][i]Don’t,[/i][/color] he took a slow breath, catching on to his spiraling thoughts. He was just being ridiculous. Of course his father loved him because they were family. He was more than just a tool to be used. The king had told him plenty of times that he loved him, even before his mother had passed. He was sure was just overthinking it for nothing. [color=#b97703]“Yeah,”[/color] he said quickly, realizing he’d gotten lost in his thoughts and fallen quiet. [color=#b97703]“He’s always been this way. He’s got a lot to protect.”[/color] She would see soon enough when they reached the mansion. The power and wealth of their family was tangible. When Iris brought up his place again, Cas nodded. [color=#b97703]“It is,”[/color] he confirmed, a grin returning to his face. He was proud of his home too. Maybe not as much as his father was, but he still enjoyed showing it off to guests. The Maydestones had all the latest up-and-coming technology, cars, indoor recreation, et cetera. Even the other wealthiest families in the capital couldn’t compete because they bought everything before it was publicly released. He couldn’t wait to show her. [color=#b97703]“In fact, you’ll see right about… now!”[/color] Rounding the corner of a building, he turned down a private street that led straight to his family’s mansion. The massive [url=https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/120-Montecito-Ranch-Ln-Summerland-CA-93067/248137743_zpid/][color=aba000]house[/color][/url] stood in front of them, impressively tall even though it was still half a mile away. Having lived here his entire life, Cas was used to the sight, but he enjoyed watching other people’s reactions to viewing it for the first time. He turned back to Iris proudly, [color=#b97703]“So, what do you think of your hotel?”[/color]