[color=f49ac2]“Yeah I’m sure it will be nice to have some different company around.”[/color] Smiling at the thought, as much as it was pretty exciting, she still wanted her memories to return, to find out who she was and her family. Well what was left of it she assumed. This would however be a nice distraction and a good place to try to regain her memories, she doubted she would be troubled much whilst here and her father could call at any moment for her to come home so she should enjoy it whilst it lasted. [color=f49ac2]“Yeah I bet it’s pretty easy to get lost amongst your what… a [i]million[/i] rooms?”[/color] It was an exaggeration of course but she knew he would take the joke, [color=f49ac2]“As long as I know where to get food, sleep and the bathroom I’m sure I’ll be fine.”[/color] Grinning as she looked over at him, she was glad he had been more than happy to help her. It was kind of scary to think what could have happened had he not found her; she certainly wouldn’t be enjoying the high life right now. [color=f49ac2]“You mean they camp here? Jeez do they not have homes to go too?”[/color] Shaking her head at the idea of them camping out here she looked around the garage he had parked in. There four other stunning cars and they looked as if they had just been bought. She thought Caspains car was nice, but they all looked great together and she could tell any car enthusiast would have loved to have seen them. It was hard not to be impressed with everything that she saw. Taking his help once more as she managed to clamber out of the car she hoped on her leg for a moment until she grabbed her crutches. [color=f49ac2]“Home theatre?”[/color] Shaking her head, she didn’t know why she would be shocked at that, of course he would have a home theatre, who wouldn’t with this kind of money? [color=f49ac2]“That sounds great, and if it’s anything like the sound in your car I think I’m in for a treat.”[/color] Laughing softly as she began to follow him at a slower pace. Her body was already starting to ache from the amount of effort she had been using but then it was natural, she couldn’t wait to use her leg properly. [color=f49ac2]“I’m pretty excited to see where I will be staying!”[/color] Smiling she couldn’t help but match his beam, it was infectious, and she could see he had the kind of power to light up a room or vice versa. He had probably been moulded like that from a young age. [color=f49ac2]“So… what kinds of movies do you like?”[/color] She was quite curious about his movie taste; his music taste was pretty decent, so she had high hopes when it came to movies. It made her wonder what kin of movies she herself had been into, she could imagine comedy was a big one as she enjoyed the jokes between her and Cas. What about horrors? Would she be creeped out by them? Action was pretty standard stuff and then there was romance, did she enjoy those cheesy kind of movies? Well she was sure she would find out, especially if she was resting as what better way to rest than watch a bunch of stuff.