Iris couldn’t help but grin when he defended himself over being squeamish, she was only messing of course but it was nice that they could still have these jibes and jokes with one another. She did appreciate that regardless of the injury he had still taken her to the hospital even though as he put it that she had bled all over him. She listened about how his home theatre scored five stars and she could understand his reasoning, it had to be off putting when you were trying to watch a film and you have people just staring wanting to see your reaction. It couldn’t have been relaxing. Looking over as he moved from the window, she watched his movement towards the door and smiled, [color=f49ac2]“Thanks, I’ll be sure to head over! Straight past the room we came through.”[/color] Nodding as she remembered the way to go, she hoped she wouldn’t get lost, [color=f49ac2]“I won’t pass the chance up for food.”[/color] Chuckling to herself she was sure whatever was made would be great, it would still beat that hospital food she had for the past few days. Thinking on it would she have time to have a quick shower? She desperately wanted one and then change her clothes get out of the dress. Deciding she would go for that shower she picked up the crutches and moved to were he placed the bags to get out the toiletries. Grabbing the items, she made her way towards the bathroom and beamed at the room, it was just as stunning as the bedroom she was staying in. She knew she shouldn’t be surprised but she just couldn’t help it, this definitely had to be one of the finest places she had stayed in. Looking at the side she smiled when she saw towels were already there, thank god because she didn’t want to trouble anyone just yet. Playing about with the temperature of the water and the pressure she jumped in the shower already feeling much better than before. She was careful not to get her injured leg wet as she didn’t need to change the bandages just yet so it would be unnecessary to cause extra work for herself. Using the new toiletries, she couldn’t help but sigh happily at the smells, it was just so nice to be able to do this. Thankfully her head had healed so she didn’t have to worry about that. It hadn’t taken her long, but she felt fresh and clean, it was amazing the amount of difference a shower had made. Hobbling out of the shower she grabbed the towels to dry herself and soon she could get changed. Stopping at the sink she caught sight of her reflection, sighing as she thought about the damage she had caused at the hospital. She couldn’t believe she had allowed herself to get so angry over her own reflection. Shaking her head, she moved back towards the bedroom to get into fresh new clothes, she had opted for the pink jumper she had been so fascinated with in the store and a pair of jeans. More to hide the bandaged leg as she was sick of looking at it. At least she could look normal. Using the towel, she started to dry her hair as she sat on the edge of the bed, she began to think whilst she continued to use the towel drying her hair best she could. [color=f49ac2][i]Is it really okay to be here? I don’t want him to feel like I’m taking advantage of his kindness. I’m sure others have tried in the past.[/i][/color] Sighing to herself she had dried her hair to a point where it was only slightly damp in a few places, but she didn’t mind, her stomach was rumbling again, and she was hungry. Food was next on her agenda and she didn’t want to keep him waiting. Grabbing the towels and the dress she had changed from she placed them in what she assumed was a dirty washing hamper and ensured she had left everything neat in the room. When she was happy, she decided it was high time she made her way to the kitchen, remembering what he had said she walked down the hall with the help of the crutches and headed towards the other side of the house. Opening the door, she looked around before grinning, [color=f49ac2][i]I didn’t get lost![/i][/color] She thought triumphantly to herself as she walked further inside looking for Cas.