Welcome to our organization gentlemen, and ladies. This is a place where we of more...variable mindsets come together to work for ourselves rather than the general public. The Heroes of this world? Corrupt. The goody two shoes? They don't get the big picture. That's why I've come to the conclusion that all of us don't need to really play this game. We can run this world how we want because if anyone should be the big shots...its us. Japan especially is the place where heroes are common. That's why we're starting here. If we break down the walls here then every other nation will know that we're the big guys on top. I've recruited you for this express purpose of allowing me to reach the top. Once I do you all will get your reward. I promise you as a villain of my word. Some of us still believe in professional pride after all... With that being said here's the deal you all will do what villains do...burn, pillage, and destroy when I say so, or when you feel it might benefit us. Hell do if it might benefit you in the short run. Just remember...you're a part of a family now...a big family...a strong family. And family don't like rats. Rats ruin a good household after all. We all know what happens to rats right? I hope so. Now that is out of the way I want you to understand that people around you, the normal everyday people, are expendable trash. Don't worry about them unless the incident will bring hell down on us. Keep your eyes out for heroes...and once again Welcome to our family tree kids.... "Yours truly, The Blackened." That was the letter given to every member of the criminal organization run by the dark man who signed that very letter. A personal welcome to a union of villains set in Musutafu, Japan. A group that is set out to take over the world...or simply make the life of heroes, and peoples everyday life a living hell. What's the point in making a life when it benefits others more than you? Ambition is what separates sheep from the everyday people. When we reach our goals we will either be in the darkest of hells, or the brightest of heavens we will rule, or we will fail. Let's not make it the latter... This specific group is situated out of a bar, also known as The Stray Sheep, in the back alleys of the city. Run by an villain renown as 'Shade Walker', the famous ex-hero 'Captain East' who turned to crime after a violent mishap that involved his wife, and best friends which left them dead by his own hands; the group is setting out to make their world there's and though they aren't a prime group just yet they will be one day... ==== Character Section: ==== Rules: [hider=Rules put here due to length] 1. All standard roleplay rules apply including power, and meta playing. If you need to ask a question to the GM's do so. 2. All villains must have a born quirk, or no quirk at all. Things like the One for All aren't allowed. Likewise I'm banning intangible villains. In the past I've had people make people with no physical body that has made roleplaying hard because I've had to include some sort hero who uses some sort of physic, or purely supplemental ability just to combat them. 3. Rivals, and personal villains are allowed without an character sheet BUT they must be passed through me personally. 4. Quirks need to be explained thoroughly. Weaknesses, strengths, limits, and how they work must be explained. The more complex the quirk the more info is needed. One can not just have 'water manipulation' for example. What can you manipulate? the air, just normal water, ice? Can you move small bodies of water or large? Can you breath in water? You get the point. 5. ALL characters must be accepted by the gm's before posting no exceptions. You may not post your character in the sheet section until the sheet is accepted in the OOC. 6. Length is expected the minimal post is about a paragraph and a half per post and at least two paragraphs for the character sheets if not more. 7. As GM I reserve the right to refuse anything for any reason, or lack there of. 8. The villains of this roleply are just that villains. Some of our 'allies' may end up screwing us over. Killing them if they're higher up will either need to result in a close to the rp, or a change in character. The Blackend doesn't tolerate people who kill his high ranking officials, and those he has planned for. Even if its justified he may see you as the problem. Karma will come back to certain villains eventually. However do keep in mind that you can screw yourself over if you call a bluff wrong. [/hider] ==== Character Sheet: Name: Nicknames: Villain Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: (Written, or picture. Please include the super hero suit (if you have one) and if it has stuff that helps you please include that below) -- Weapons: (If used) Hero(Villain) Equipment: (include any super villain suit extras here) -- Combat Section: (Please explain your character in regards to what they can and cannot do in regards to area.) Strength: Endurance: Willpower: (Mental Fortitude, ability to mentally keep going despite what is in front of them) Speed: Reaction Speed: -- Quirk Section: Name of Quirk: Ability of Quirk: (what the ability actually is like fire manipulation, animal abilities, super strength, etc) Qualities of Quirk: (what can your hero do with the quirk exactly) Strengths of Quirk: Weaknesses of Quirk: Limits of Quirk: ---- Biography: (must include how long you've been in, or how you've come to join the Dark Tree. The society has been running for a general thirty years now. Keep in mind the person needs to be 'invited' into the organization by someone at some point to be in this rp.) Personality: ---- Other: