I played with the idea of a corporation attempting to send out a semi-autonomous android for experimental purposes, intent on using an unmanned force to harvest resources from the derelict. Hopefully this falls within the range of, "Non-Terminator," threat levels and stuff. It's a machine that simulates personality and can be a character through that. Let me know what you think. [@Circ] [@Ashgan] [hider=Martian Research & Security | A10-2022A "Buckaroo-2"] [code] Name > MRS-A10-2022A, Call-Sign “Buckaroo-2”, “Two—Oh-Twos” Physical Description > Non-Gendered, 8 Years Old, 6 feet, 340 lbs. > A standard MRS-A10 Utility Operations Forman series humanoid robot. It possesses an industrial-yellow and white utilitarian chassis, with complex movement mechanisms and a cold-fusion self-regulating battery. > It possesses a single “eye”: a narrow slit down the front of its boxy “head”, that detects both visible and invisible light. All non-kinetic sensory information is processed here and then moved into the main brain in the torso. > Its chassis as a whole is boxy, and based on slight modifications to the MRS-A8’s Special Military Operations android that was briefly popular for its ability to function independently with an effective weight-to-strength ratio and an agility approximately equal to a high performing melee combatant human, though the A10 UOF model lacks some ranges of movement directly behind it that the A8 possessed. > Reduced range of movement allows for greater output force capacity in the arms and torso, and allowed for the introduction of a series of secondary brains running alternate operating systems that serve to translate directly to the MRS Communication Systems brain. > No digits on the feet, five digits on each hand. Purpose > Manage the Martian Robotics & Security mining operations at the Derelict as the on-site representative of the company and directing computer for the MRS harvest-dedicated robots. > Control and operate the new MRS-BH5 satellite above the Derelict. Direct the android labor force. History > The MRS corporation designed and began training the A10 UOF series androids 8 years ago specifically for management of raw resource harvesting in environments not safe for human laborers, intent on using the machine systems to create a network of harvesting androids and refineries independent of having to rely on human maintenance. > A10-2022A was selected randomly from a pool of successful trial androids that operated on an MRS property for its 5 year trial. During the 5 year trial it developed a rapid communication system to simplify orders being deployed to the drones under its direction. This behavior, while not unique to 2022A was one of the benchmarks used to indicate success in the developmental logic of the A10 UOF series. > Independent thought and strong personality simulations are primary traits for any androids in the A Numerical series, and as such the A10 UOF series appears to be sentient and self-driven to most humans that interact with it. Personality software in the A10-UOF model is generally kept smaller and procedural so that it does not interfere with the raw data collection abilities and risk glitches in other more vital aspects of the model’s behavior. A10-2022A was above benchmarks regarding drive for efficiency and high performance, which resulted in the A10-2022A personality print being copied for future use. During its 3-year training period with the new MRS-Boring (B) and MRS-BeeHive (BH), and MRS-XenoDefenseFunctionalSubUnit (XDFSU) series robots it was made aware of the activation of A10-2022B, A10-2022C, and A10-2022D units which all possessed identical hardware and personality prints that were being deployed elsewhere for a wide-scale mining operation. > It was noted that A10-2022A briefly tapped MRS networks, downloading information regarding the B, C, and D units during a low observation period. It returned its primary attention to the androids under its direction after 1.3 seconds, after which it deleted the raw information but did not delete or otherwise modify the fact that it had in fact looked at these logs and concluded that units B, C, and D would increase efficiency. As a result, B, C, and D were not informed of the existence of any other units, though A was not reset and the log not deleted for fear of creating a cascade failure in an otherwise successful personality print. > A10-2022A passed all relevant, modern self awareness tests, which indicated its print was promising for a self-driven artificial entity. When the personality print used by 2022A was copied and printed into B, C, and D they were not immediately given directives. All immediately entered their low-power state and did not formulate any goals. They activated and began functioning once their directives were created. > A10-2022A and the MRS-HB5 satellite, the latter of which was dubbed Buckaroo-2 before launch, are currently enroute to the Derelict as of 3030 CE. A has been instructed to make contact with the Origin forces in the system and make a show of its intelligence before reconnecting to the MRS Father digital network using the Orbital Station’s network, after which it will receive orders to begin operations while maintaining a closed network so as to not risk interference from any technologies waking up on the surface of the derelict. “Personality Prints” A Problem Of Interface & Function > MRS designed their personality print system with the intention of introducing variability into the behavior of each of their androids, with the intention of creating androids that humans can more easily interact with. It allows for strong social bonds to form from a human onto an android, that increases the sale value of replacement parts for their older models. One cannot simply buy a new C5 series android, because 99015 behaves slightly different from any other C5 series, as each one is fed a random personality seed. These personality prints are seed-based and easily transferred onto other models of even different series given the brain-capacity for it. Hence most MRS social machines run the same personality prints when used by the company, but random personality prints are sold on public markets. The deployment of A10-2022B, C, and D into the private sector is actually a new project selling high prices for the best trained and most capable personality prints for use in public fields. The MRS Expeditionary Mining Force > A10-2022A commands one MRS-HB5 Satellite vessel, which acts as the command station for the mining forces. It possesses 18 docking “combs” where vessels can land and transfer goods directly into or out of the refinery on-board. It possesses basic life-support functions to maintain the cold-fusion breathers of the A10 and A9 series androids onboard. Two of its docking combs are dedicated to MRS-H3, “Harpy,” androids, which act as a light defensive interceptor. The satellite is fitted with a jump drive, but maneuvers poorly. > A9-15AF & A9-16AA are two A9 class humanoid security androids. They run on an upgraded, more agile A8 frame with software dedicated to the preservation of MRS property. 15-AF’s personality print is preferential to a low-risk behavioral pattern, while 16-AA’s personality print is preferential to high-profit behaviors that result in the net-gain of more MRS property. The two androids were selected to serve as A10-2022A’s security and external council. > H3-99B and H3-99C are identical interceptor class androids. They are rather common, small, and easy to construct, and are primarily a melee starfighter. Their design model is based on the stonefly’s nymphs, and they are primarily an anti-biological defense system. Their primary defensive function is to grapple and disable hostile vessels, or to peel back hull plating. When a threat is at distance they will make use of the flak cannons on their front face. They lack a jump drive and are not particularly intelligent on their own, often being commanded by a central computer. In this case A10-2022A acts as their command computer. Their cold fusion reactors require them to breathe every forty minutes. > Fifteen B7 series resource harvest androids launch from the HB5 satellite. Each one is connected to a shared wireless network and is the physical extension of a singular entity collectively referred to as B7-17094CL. The CL personality print is quick to submit to superior personality prints, and excels at team-work and multitasking. Hence its selection for the DERELICT mission. A10-2022A micromanages the 17094CL personality print and rarely allows it to problem solve without first checking its work. > The five MRS-XDFSU1 series androids are modeled off of the emperor scorpion, and possesses no personality print. They are each under the direct command of the A9s and A10, with A10 itself having the ultimate vote. The XDFSU1 model was constructed using alloys recovered from the upper levels of the derelict’s exploitation shaft, and the entire MRS mission on the derelict serves to test their ability to function as a new model of security android. Their claws are high powered industrial clamps, and their tail releases batrachotoxin which the XDFSU1 can produce on its own by breaking down biological components and using a secondary cold fusion reactor to generate materials it otherwise lacks. Its primary cold fusion reactor breathes in modest amounts of material at a time, and the XDFSU1 can hold its breath for six hours if necessary. Compare this to other MRS products, which generally cannot go more than ten minutes without breathing before they experience forced shutdown. [/code] [/hider]