Lucien lifted his gaze as soon as Faolan suggested for him to help. He looked in Father Cyril's direction, his eyes hopeful. Even if it wasn't too far, he still did want to help out in [i]something[/i] while he was here. The priest appeared pensive for a moment, but then nodded. [b]"I suppose you're right.. Sure, he can help, though I'm not sure how many of those boxes he'd actually be able to lift, but there should be some lighter ones around. Besides it would be good for you to become familiar with the church as well."[/b] He told him. Lucien brightened up immediately at the permission that was given to him. [color=burlywood]"Thank you, Father Cyril! I'll do my best!"[/color] He exclaimed, before giving Faolan a look of gratitude. He hadn't really felt comfortable with pushing it. After all, he had just arrived, and the last thing he wanted was to cause any problems for the priest who was kind enough to let him stay. Maybe if he proved he was capable enough to help around here, he'd be allowed to do more later. Once they had finished their food, Father Cyril rose to his feet and gathered the dishes. Lucien had quickly gotten up to help wash them, considering he had gone out of his way to make dinner. [b]"Well, it's getting late, and I'm sure you two want to get your proper rest now that you're off that ship."[/b] He said as he lead them out to the living room. Briefly he left the room and returned with a blanket, which he placed on the sofa for Faolan. [b]"Here you go."[/b] Lucien looked toward Faolan. It was strange now having to sleep in a separate room from him, considering the time they had spent on the ship but, it was back to how things were before he supposed. It was nice to have had the company while it lasted. [color=burlywood]"Goodnight, Faolan."[/color] He told the man before he followed Father Cyril down the hall. [b]"This.. used to be a bit of a storage room, but I cleared it out so you could use it, I hope it's alright."[/b] [color=burlywood]"Oh this will do just fine! Thank you. Goodnight, Father Cyril"[/color] He told him with a smile. He was told his living space wouldn't be that large, but that was fine by Lucien, it's not like he had that many belongings to begin with. There was a mattress across the floor, and he had a pillow and blanket, it was really all he needed to be comfortable enough. The priest nodded before heading off toward his room across the hall. Lucien wasted no time in settling. Despite the cramped room, he didn't really mind. It was still nicer to sleep in. It hadn't taken the nephilim that long to trail off into sleep.