The year was 1473. All eighteen nations on the main content had been trapped in the worst wars the world had ever seen. Enemy soldiers and monsters ravaged the land. Scared villagers from less defended regions that could flee escaped to the cities, unintentionally bringing parasites and diseases with them. Political opponents used this opportunity to overthrow weaker leaders while warlords from less unified regions saw it as a chance to gain control of their rival’s land. There where enemies everywhere and people did whatever they had to to survive. Out of the chaos came a discovery— taking the lives of others has an unpredictable and extraordinary effect. The changes were small at first— an injury needing much less time to heal, a small boost in strength, improved senses, and increased tolerance for pain— however, as the fighting continued, these abilities were strengthened and people with new powers appeared. These new findings led to the quick shift in power as stronger nations begun using these individuals as weapons while smaller or weaker countries were either forced to surrender or conquered by more powerful invaders. Villages were often attacked and traveling alone or in small groups without hired protection all but guaranteed travelers wouldn’t make it to their destination safely. Getting stronger was all that mattered. Because of their strength, supernatural abilities, and assumed amorality, those who gained their powers by taking the lives of others became associated with the other monsters that plagued humanity and became known as demons. They were pretty rare— their actions often made them targets of resentment and the transition itself was a slow process that very few people who weren’t actively fighting in the war would be able to manage. Many decades passed and, for the most part, the chaos died down. Tensions are present in some regions but the war is considered over, replaced by a new age of commerce, and new systems and have been in place to protect the citizens in towns and cities. [hider=The World] The continent the characters will be traveling consists of three strong countries, their smaller allies, and a few territories. While there are more nations beyond this land, the journey is too treacherous for most to take and there isn't much contact. Occasionally, their goods and tools find their way into shops but there is little awareness of what lies beyond the islands surrounding the main land. Most consider it demon territory. Specific details such as government, technology level, how people live, and so on depend on the country and region. A handful of the more innovative cities have electricity but it's not widespread even within those cities' walls. While it's impossible to avoid crime, towns and cities are considered safe spaces where killing or harming others on purpose are punishable with imprisonment or death. Outside cities, however, safety is not guaranteed so many people travel in large groups or hire guards that also act as guides between cities, the latter typically being ex warriors who have lost their status in society to merchants and craftsmen. I'll put together more about specific regions and stuff like that if this gets any interest. Magic also exists but I also have to work on that a bit more. No guns, cars, or phones, though. [/hider] [hider=Types of Demons] Ancients: Called Ancients because of how long it takes them to start existing and develop their own consciousness. For thousands of years, they’re just masses of negative energy collected during times of great struggle until they gain awareness of themselves and their environment. Without a host, however, the only influence they have on others is a feeling of uneasiness or overwhelming fear. They are considered legendary monsters created by superstitious ancestors who didn’t yet understand certain properties of their world. ((Not sure how I’m going to work them into the rp but here’s the info anyway. This is not playable.)) Naturally born: Like the name suggests, individuals of this type were born the way they are. At least one parent had to be naturally born, as well. These tend to be more monstrous than humanlike, however, some of the stronger ones can blend in with humans rather well. However, they all have at least one monstrous trait. They also tend to act out of instinct with the more monster-like ones attacking humans even when not provoked. Because of their nature and unpredictable abilities, most places consider them a threat so living demons of this type are banned from most major cities. They are the biggest reason why demon hunters still exist. It is not known why but they don’t count as a life for the transition process. Transients: Previously humans who gained unnatural abilities through the means mentioned previously. While it only takes about fifteen direct kills to see some effects, however, all effects are believed to be reversible until they reach 100. ((Swords, pole arms, bows and arrows and the like are still the main weapons in use for combat and will remain that way for some time.)) However, the life of one transient demon is said to be equal to 5 human lives so, even if they manage to avoid gaining the ire of the survivors from their victims, they tend to become targets of those looking for power themselves. Like naturally born demons, they are banned from some (but fewer) areas but they are a little harder to identify. Transients known to have reached 100 by means of military combat, executing criminals, and the like are marked with a black X on their left wrist. Those who reach their 100 through what is considered selfish, illegal actions are marked with red Xs when caught. Also, on moonless nights or when injured, emotional, or when using an ability, their eyes will glow depending on their overall alignment (red for malevolent, blue for benevolent, and amber for neutral). Both eyes have to glow the same color. Their abilities do not pass on to their children.[/hider] [hider=Rules and What I'm Looking For] -No Smut -No overpowered characters -No controlling, killing, or harming another player's characters without permission -If you want your character to have some kind of relationship or awareness of another person's character before the start of the rp, work it out with other person or persons you want involved before including it in your character's backstory. -Multiple characters are allowed but I suggest starting with one for now -I'll adjust the rules as I think of more -I'm looking for 2-4 people. Not everyone interested will actually join or stay with it so even if four people responded first, tell me if you're interested. -Since it's been so long since I've had one of these, I'll say it's low casual -Ideally, I'm looking for one other transient demon (as I will be playing one), at least two humans, and maybe a natural-born demon or another human[/hider]