Lucien had quite enjoyed working alongside Faolan to clear out the storage room. It was a nice to have something to do for a change. Considering his old church had been much larger, there were many other people available for cleaning and other things like that, so even then he wouldn't have too many opportunities to help out. It was a little satisfying to be able to put in work like this, and he was quite proud by the time they finished and got back to Father Cyril. Perhaps this would make the priest believe him to be more capable. He could only hope. -- A chance arose the next day, when Faolan stated he was going to go down to the docks. He felt like this might be his chance to be able to look around town a little more. [color=burlywood]"Father Cyril, could I.. maybe go with him? I figure it would be a good chance to get to know the area.."[/color] He asked a little hesitantly. The priest clearly became hesitant, not wanting to expose Lucien to the people in this city so quickly. Briefly he glanced at Faolan, before looking back at the nephilim. [b]"Lucien.. I understand you're excited to be in a new place but.."[/b] It was clear he was attempting to find the right words, without giving too much away to their guest. [b]"Lucien.. I feel it's too soon. I'm responsible for you while you're here, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to head to the church soon. Maybe another time when I can accompany you."[/b] Lucien attempted to hide his disappointment, but he didn't do it well. Still.. he at least had hope to be able to do it later, he supposed that would be enough. It's not like he could be upset with Father Cyril, he was only trying to look out for him, just as the other priests had. He couldn't help but feel a little frustrated though. He knew he was old enough to attempt to take care of himself. Plenty of men were already out on their own by this age. Had he really traveled so far to still remain in the same situation as before?