Sylvia kinda felt like she was mimicking Captain Jack Sparrow at this point as she ran away from the troglodytes and Pylia had cursed at her. She answered Pylia as she kept running, "Trust me on this one!" Thankfully the timing turned out to be perfect. She couldn't wave back to Shortfang at the time, considering she was running from the trogs. Thankfully, Shortfang managed to shoot a trog down and Green Eyes devoured it. She stopped as the trogs did, and watched as her strategy came to fruition. She kept herself from laughing as the trogs seemed to reconsider their decision and started running back the way they came. Of course, just as she thought, that action only caused Green Eyes to follow after them, as predator would follow prey. With that, they not only helped protect the kobolds again, but they also got Green Eyes back to the kobold village, alive. She smiled widely and laughed, despite the fact that she was still catching her breath, and she answered her friends, "It sure did! Great work, you guys!" She then led the way back to the village to help the kobolds if the troglodytes were still a problem despite Green Eyes' return.