[hr] [color=FF1493][h1][center][i]~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~[/i][/center][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8uOU3Sp6Xag/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] [hr] [b][i][center]Location: Valoran Academy[/center][/i][/b] [hr] [color=FF1493]"First question. Who is she exactly?"[/color] Rakan was next. [color=00FFFF]"Second. What's with the skinship cap?"[/color] Xayah continued. [color=FF1493]"Third. She immediately knew we were Vastayans. Is [b]SHE[/b] a Vastayan?"[/color] There was a bit passion in her voice when she said that. And finally... [color=FF1493]"What the hell[/color] [color=00FFFF]is a shiny?"[/color] Even both Saki and Riku were interested about Neeko as they both flew into the open. Xayah looked over Ahri's shoulder to take another look at the new girl. She seemed to be asking, almost crossing the line of pestering, about Sarah's phone, much to Sarah's dismay. The way she acted reminded her of young children. Always curious and inquisitive about things. [color=00FFFF]"Certainly a weird one huh?"[/color] Xayah nodded. [color=FF1493]"I know right? It's like I'm looking at a baby in a teenager's body. A uh, very [i]colorful[/i] teenager might I add."[/color]