[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=FF8CBD]Tinley Abercrombie[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/04c9644fe8e7e7c0e3f974f4b2c31175/tumblr_inline_nm1psiNBzB1rifr4k.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=FF8CBD]Location:[/color][/b] Stark Tower [b][color=FF8CBD]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center][hr] Tinley cursed under her breath as Ultron called her out. She stood up as the fight commenced. It was true their force might not have been the most formidable, but Ultron would learn not to underestimate humans in any form. First though, they had to actually win a fight. And this far, it was proving difficult. The Hulk was having a hard enough time and Jocasta (who looked so damn familiar for some reason), attacked Wanda, only for Vision to shield her and take the hit. And it appeared he would not get up, so yet another member of their team was dead. Though Tinley cared little for the synthezoid, it still hurt. She plugged the virus into the terminal, or she would have had she not fumbled with it as Ultron called out to her. [color=FF8CBD]"Shut up you walking Amazon Echo."[/color] As she spoke, she managed to get the device inserted and start up the program with little effort. Once she set the command through, she stared at Ultron smugly, only to see nothing take effect. A growing worry began in her gut, but she heard the telltale sputter of something happening. She turned her attention to the other side and, once she saw it, everything clicked. The fight with Luminous and Tempest's Death Why Jocasta looked familiar. Why it seemed Ultron knew their steps and what to expect. As Cassandra fell to the ground, sputtering, smoking, it clicked. Cassandra was not Cassandra. She was a robot. Jocasta appeared like Janet van Dyne and Cassandra had been dead since December. And now she found out the hard way, leaving yet another number of theirs down. Tinley clenched her fist. At this point, she wanted nothing more than to die at the hands of Ultron, if it meant he would no longer get to win.