[hr][hr] [center][h1]The Blathriin-Va[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [b]Location: Blathriin-Va - Bridge.[/b] [center][b]Star Date: Unknown.[/b][/center] [right][b]Communications: N/A.[/b][/right] Yiithren remained motionless as communications came and went, before he heard the words he'd been waiting for... [quote=Jason Erthos]"All ships, you are free to engage."[/quote] Sending out several orders, Yiithren had the Va maneuvered as close as they could possibly get without being noticed by the larger craft. Ordering Mihraan to keep a close eye on their sensors, just to ensure they weren't firing on the ship the others were boarding, Yiithren stood at the viewport of his ship, which was currently overlooking a silent void of chaotic flashes, before looking over at Kurqruik. "First mate Kurqruik-" He said, his tentacles clasped behind his back. "-have all gunnery crews open fire on the two ships that still have shields. Use the Null Void Beam first, then follow up with the Matter Disintegrators. I want those ships reduced to dust." Kurqruik nodded, striding over to the same communications panel as before. Activating it yet again, she leaned in closer and relayed the command. Then, after a brief pause, she gave the command to open fire and turned back to the view port just in time to see a beam of purple energy streak across the darkness and slam into the enemies shields, creating a rather sizeable gap in them through which several bolts of orange energy flew. The matter disintegrators. And from the looks of things, it seemed as though they were doing their job. Several of the opposing ships surface layers had already been eaten through, leaving nothing but gaping chasms into space where metal and machinery had once been. Kurqruik made a low burbling sound as she watched another volley of bolts fly through the opening and make contact with the ships hull. If only those poor savages knew what they had gotten themselves into...