"I'm okay," Mike said, looking to Harriet first and then to Ethan. "I'm okay, don't worry. She... just didn't agree with what I said and wanted to... encourage me I guess." "What did you say?" Ethan asked. "Well... the point is that I had a bit of an argument with Ben and he walked out on me. When Gaia mentioned she hoped it wouldn't cause any rifts in our team I told her I wouldn't let that happen, that I would give in, which Gaia got angry about." Ethan narrowed his eyes. "Well that was a dick move of him. I don't know what your argument was about and I don't care, but walking away is not how he should have dealt with it. And it's unlike him to do that." The comment made Mike look in the direction Benjamin had left in with a worried look in his eyes, it affirmed his suspicion that Steph was dangerous and that Ben was falling under her spell or something. He glanced to Harriet, he wasn't sure if he could voice his concern with her. It seemed likely she would take Steph's side. Mr. Johnson read the last text and frowned. [u]If you can, send the data you've gathered so far. I want to have a look at it.[/u] And secure it in case Gaia did find the agent, but it was best not to mention that. [u]I will position snipers just in case.[/u] He picked up the phone. "Locate Gaia and keep her in your visor at all time, one of our men may be in danger." That was all he could do at this point. Benjamin looked at Mack with a surprised look on his face, why would April speak highly of him? Maybe he'd discover that the next day. When the family-relation was revealed he smiled, it was nice to witness this.