Saying thanks for the water that accompanied their food she thought it was quite pleasant eating together, it certainly beat eating subpar food in the hospital alone, so this was nice. Sighing as they had spoken about her memory nothing made sense to her, she felt as if everything wasn’t adding up and only adding to the confusion. Even if her mother wasn’t around and had gone to war it didn’t make sense to her and she was sure that it was like every highborn around here, she got the feeling that it wasn’t natural but that was something she would not voice to Cas. Especially if she wasn’t sure on who she was. “I’m glad it doesn’t” Smiling slightly when he spoke about it not having to be like that, she was glad, it would mean that she could voice other memories if she had other bad ones. She was certain there would be more because she couldn’t have all good memories. [color=f49ac2]“I don’t know I wish it all made sense to me, it’s kind of like a puzzle. Except well.. the puzzle is me and I don’t know who I am.”[/color] Sighing as she picked up the glass of water looking at the liquid inside before swirling it, [color=f49ac2]“Except for the chocolate dance loving girl.” [/color] Taking a sip of her drink she looked back at the sandwich before she began to eat the last of it, thoughts on who she was. If she had family and if she even belonged here. What if she was a serving girl for one of the highborn families? She couldn’t help but think it especially at his reaction to her offering to help out. It couldn’t just be because she had a good nature. Finishing of the sandwich she smiled over at Cas feeling much better with eating something, she hadn’t realised how hungry she was until now so she could only imagine he was quite hungry too. [color=f49ac2]“Hopefully I’ll remember something more useful than my favourite colour.”[/color] Chuckling to herself as she looked at her hands, how could she remember simple things like that but not where she lived? The side hug did catch her off guard and she couldn’t help but smile at the way Cas was trying to cheer her up a little, [color=f49ac2][i]is he? Blushing?...[/i][/color] She could have sworn she saw red tinged cheeks but he had taken a drink quickly so she couldn’t be sure. Deciding to change the topic however was much more ideal. [color=f49ac2]“Sooooo, did you want to watch a movie? Or just chill? Unless you want to do something else? I feel like I’m taking up all your time now. Your friends must be getting jealous”[/color] Grinning as she used her arm to lean on the counter with, watching him closely to see if she could see any sort of blush. [color=f49ac2][i]Why do I even like the idea of him blushing?[/i][/color] The thought passed fleetingly as she pushed it to one side not even bothering to entertain it, she was going to have fun and not dwell on silly things.